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The evidence for neural information processing with precise spike-times: A survey

Published: 13 May 2004 Publication History


This paper surveys recent findings in neuroscience regarding the behavioral relevancy of the precise timing with which real spiking neurons emit spikes. The literature suggests that in almost any system where the processing-speed of a neural (sub)-system is required to be high, the timing of single spikes can be very precise and reliable. Additionally, new, more refined methods are finding precisely timed spikes where previously none where found. This line of evidence thus provides additional motivation for researching the computational properties of networks of artificial spiking neurons that compute with more precisely timed spikes.


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Published In

cover image Natural Computing: an international journal
Natural Computing: an international journal  Volume 3, Issue 2
102 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 13 May 2004

Author Tags

  1. neural coding
  2. precise spike timing
  3. spiking neural networks
  4. synchrony coding
  5. temporal coding


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