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Effect of partnership quality on IS outsourcing success: conceptual framework and empirical validation

Published: 01 March 1999 Publication History


Recently, increasing attention has been paid to building successful partnerships in information systems (IS) outsourcing. This study establishes partnership quality as a key predictor of outsourcing success. We propose a theoretical framework for outsourcing partnership based on a social, rather than an economic, perspective. We identify the partnership-related variables from the relevant literature and clarify the concept of partnership quality by distinguishing between its components and its determinants. We then examine the impact of partnership quality on outsourcing success. Hypotheses on partnership quality were tested for 74 outsourcing relationships between 36 service receivers and 54 service providers. Results indicate that partnership quality may serve as a key predictor of outsourcing success. Partnership quality was found to be positively influenced by factors such as participation, communication, information sharing, and top management support, and negatively affected by age of relationship and mutual dependency.


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  1. Effect of partnership quality on IS outsourcing success: conceptual framework and empirical validation



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Journal of Management Information Systems
        Journal of Management Information Systems  Volume 15, Issue 4
        March 1999
        228 pages


        M. E. Sharpe, Inc.

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 March 1999

        Author Tags

        1. information systems outsourcing
        2. outsourcing partnership
        3. outsourcing success
        4. partnership quality


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