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Interactive Virtual Relighting of Real Scenes

Published: 01 October 2000 Publication History


Computer augmented reality (CAR) is a rapidly emerging field which enables users to mix real and virtual worlds. Our goal is to provide interactive tools to perform common illumination, i.e., light interactions between real and virtual objects, including shadows and relighting (real and virtual light source modification). In particular, we concentrate on virtually modifying real light source intensities and inserting virtual lights and objects into a real scene; such changes can be very useful for virtual lighting design and prototyping. To achieve this, we present a three-step method. We first reconstruct a simplified representation of real scene geometry using semiautomatic vision-based techniques. With the simplified geometry, and by adapting recent hierarchical radiosity algorithms, we construct an approximation of real scene light exchanges. We next perform a preprocessing step, based on the radiosity system, to create unoccluded illumination textures. These replace the original scene textures which contained real light effects such as shadows from real lights. This texture is then modulated by a ratio of the radiosity (which can be changed) over a display factor which corresponds to the radiosity for which occlusion has been ignored. Since our goal is to achieve a convincing relighting effect, rather than an accurate solution, we present a heuristic correction process which results in visually plausible renderings. Finally, we perform an interactive process to compute new illumination with modified real and virtual light intensities. Our results show that we are able to virtually relight real scenes interactively, including modifications and additions of virtual light sources and objects.


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Published In

cover image IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  Volume 6, Issue 4
October 2000
99 pages


IEEE Educational Activities Department

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2000

Author Tags

  1. Hierarchical radiosity
  2. common illumination
  3. computer augmented reality
  4. global illumination
  5. interactivity
  6. virtual relighting.


  • Research-article


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  • (2012)Spacetime freeview generation using image-based rendering, relighting, and augmented telepresenceProceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Multimedia10.1145/2393347.2396513(1437-1440)Online publication date: 29-Oct-2012
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