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A Survey on Internet Performance Measurement Platforms and Related Standardization Efforts

Published: 01 July 2015 Publication History


A number of Internet measurement platforms have emerged in the last few years. These platforms have deployed thousands of probes at strategic locations within access and backbone networks and behind residential gateways. In this paper, we provide a taxonomy of these measurement platforms on the basis of their deployment use-case. We describe these platforms in detail by exploring their coverage, scale, lifetime, deployed metrics and measurement tools, architecture and overall research impact. We conclude the survey by describing current standardization efforts to make large-scale performance measurement platforms interoperable.


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              IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials  Volume 17, Issue 3
              thirdquarter 2015
              593 pages


              IEEE Press

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              Published: 01 July 2015

              Author Tags

              1. standardization
              2. Measurements
              3. platforms
              4. broadband
              5. fixed-line
              6. mobile
              7. metrics
              8. measurement-tools


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              • (2023)DSCOPEProceedings of the 32nd USENIX Conference on Security Symposium10.5555/3620237.3620572(5989-6006)Online publication date: 9-Aug-2023
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