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SNAS: Fast Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search Methodology<sup/>

Published: 01 November 2022 Publication History


Recently, automated neural architecture search (NAS) emerges as the default technique to find a state-of-the-art (SOTA) convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture with higher accuracy than manually designed architectures for image classification. In this article, we present a fast hardware-aware NAS methodology, called S3NAS, reflecting the latest research results. It consists of three steps: 1) supernet design; 2) Single-Path NAS for fast architecture exploration; and 3) scaling and post-processing. In the first step, we design a supernet, superset of candidate networks with two features: one is to allow stages to have a different number of blocks, and the other is to enable blocks to have parallel layers of different kernel sizes (MixConv). Next, we perform a differential search by extending the Single-Path NAS technique to support the MixConv layer and to add a latency-aware loss term to reduce the hyperparameter search overhead. Finally, we use compound scaling to scale up the network maximally within the latency constraint. In addition, we add squeeze-and-excitation (SE) blocks and h-swish activation functions if beneficial in the post-processing step. Experiments with the proposed methodology on four different hardware platforms demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. It is capable of finding networks with better latency&#x2013;accuracy tradeoff than SOTA networks, and the network search can be done within 4 h using TPUv3.


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        cover image IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
        IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems  Volume 41, Issue 11
        Nov. 2022
        1569 pages


        IEEE Press

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        Published: 01 November 2022


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