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Declarative Parameterizations of User-Defined Functions for Large-Scale Machine Learning and Optimization

Published: 01 November 2019 Publication History


Large-scale optimization has become an important application for data management systems, particularly in the context of statistical machine learning. In this paper, we consider how one might implement the join-and-co-group pattern in the context of a fully declarative data processing system. The join-and-co-group pattern is ubiquitous in iterative, large-scale optimization. In the join-and-co-group pattern, a user-defined function $g$g is parameterized with a data object $x$x as well as the subset of the statistical model $\Theta _x$Θx that applies to that object, so that $g(x | \Theta _x)$g(x|Θx) can be used to compute a partial update of the model. This is repeated for every $x$x in the full data set $X$X. All partial updates are then aggregated and used to perform a complete update of the model. The join-and-co-group pattern has several implementation challenges, including the potential for a massive blow-up in the size of a fully parameterized model. Thus, unless the correct physical execution plan be chosen for implementing the join-and-co-group pattern, it is easily possible to have an execution that takes a very long time or even fails to complete. In this paper, we carefully consider the alternatives for implementing the join-and-co-group pattern on top of a declarative system, as well as how the best alternative can be selected automatically. Our focus is on the SimSQL database system, which is an SQL-based system with special facilities for large-scale, iterative optimization. Since it is an SQL-based system with a query optimizer, those choices can be made automatically.


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  1. Declarative Parameterizations of User-Defined Functions for Large-Scale Machine Learning and Optimization
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            cover image IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
            IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  Volume 31, Issue 11
            Nov. 2019
            30 pages


            IEEE Educational Activities Department

            United States

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            Published: 01 November 2019


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            • (2024)SACNN‐IDSCAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology10.1049/cit2.123529:6(1398-1411)Online publication date: 12-Jun-2024
            • (2024)ABCNN-IDS: Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Intrusion Detection in IoT NetworksWireless Personal Communications: An International Journal10.1007/s11277-024-11260-7136:4(1981-2003)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2024
            • (2021)Distributed deep learning on data systemsProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3467861.346786714:10(1769-1782)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2021

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