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The Alternating Linear Scheme for Tensor Optimization in the Tensor Train Format

Published: 01 March 2012 Publication History


Recent achievements in the field of tensor product approximation provide promising new formats for the representation of tensors in form of tree tensor networks. In contrast to the canonical $r$-term representation (CANDECOMP, PARAFAC), these new formats provide stable representations, while the amount of required data is only slightly larger. The tensor train (TT) format [SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 33 (2011), pp. 2295-2317], a simple special case of the hierarchical Tucker format [J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 5 (2009), p. 706], is a useful prototype for practical low-rank tensor representation. In this article, we show how optimization tasks can be treated in the TT format by a generalization of the well-known alternating least squares (ALS) algorithm and by a modified approach (MALS) that enables dynamical rank adaptation. A formulation of the component equations in terms of so-called retraction operators helps to show that many structural properties of the original problems transfer to the micro-iterations, giving what is to our knowledge the first stable generic algorithm for the treatment of optimization tasks in the tensor format. For the examples of linear equations and eigenvalue equations, we derive concrete working equations for the micro-iteration steps; numerical examples confirm the theoretical results concerning the stability of the TT decomposition and of ALS and MALS but also show that in some cases, high TT ranks are required during the iterative approximation of low-rank tensors, showing some potential of improvement.


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  1. The Alternating Linear Scheme for Tensor Optimization in the Tensor Train Format



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing  Volume 34, Issue 2
    April 2012
    829 pages


    Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 March 2012

    Author Tags

    1. alternating least squares
    2. density matrix renormalization group
    3. eigenvalue problem
    4. hierarchical tensors
    5. high-dimensional systems
    6. iterative methods for linear systems
    7. matrix product states
    8. optimization problem
    9. tensor decompositions
    10. tensor product approximation
    11. tensor train


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