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10.1145/1102256.1102306acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesgeccoConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Approximate factorizations of distributions and the minimum relative entropy principle

Published: 25 June 2005 Publication History


Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA) have been proposed as an extension of genetic algorithms. In this paper the major design issues of EDA's are discussed within a general interdisciplinary framework, the maximum entropy approximation. Our EDA algorithm FDA assumes that the function to be optimized is additively decomposed (ADF). The interaction graph GADF is used to create exact or approximate factorizations of the Boltzmann distribution. The relation between FDA factorizations and the MaxEnt solution is shown. We introduce a second algorithm, derived from the Bethe-Kikuchi approach developed in statistical physics. It tries to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence KLD(q\pβ) to the Boltzmann distribution by solving a difficult constrained optimization problem. We present in detail the concave-convex minimization algorithm CCCP to solve the optimization problem. The two algorithms are compared using popular benchmark problems (2-d grid problems, 2-d Ising spin glasses, Kaufman's n — k function.) We use instances up to 900 variables.


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Cited By

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  • (2012)The role of different genetic operators in the optimization of magnetic modelsApplied Mathematics and Computation10.1016/j.amc.2012.02.078218:18(9220-9233)Online publication date: May-2012
  • (2011)Different versions of particle swarm optimization for magnetic problemsProceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation10.1145/2001858.2001862(5-6)Online publication date: 12-Jul-2011

Index Terms

  1. Approximate factorizations of distributions and the minimum relative entropy principle



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    GECCO '05: Proceedings of the 7th annual workshop on Genetic and evolutionary computation
    June 2005
    431 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 25 June 2005


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    Author Tags

    1. bayesian information criterion
    2. bethe-kikuchi approximation
    3. boltzmann distribution
    4. estimation of distributions
    5. factorization of distributions
    6. maximum entropy principle
    7. minimum log-likelihood ratio
    8. minimum relative entropy


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    • (2012)The role of different genetic operators in the optimization of magnetic modelsApplied Mathematics and Computation10.1016/j.amc.2012.02.078218:18(9220-9233)Online publication date: May-2012
    • (2011)Different versions of particle swarm optimization for magnetic problemsProceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation10.1145/2001858.2001862(5-6)Online publication date: 12-Jul-2011

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