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Morphing: Structurally shaping a class by reflecting on others

Published: 07 February 2011 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    We present MorphJ: a language for specifying general classes whose members are produced by iterating over members of other classes. We call this technique “class morphing” or just “morphing.” Morphing extends the notion of genericity so that not only types of methods and fields, but also the structure of a class can vary according to type variables. This adds a disciplined form of metaprogramming to mainstream languages and allows expressing common programming patterns in a highly generic way that is otherwise not supported by conventional techniques. For instance, morphing lets us write generic proxies (i.e., classes that can be parameterized with another class and export the same public methods as that class); default implementations (e.g., a generic do-nothing type, configurable for any interface); semantic extensions (e.g., specialized behavior for methods that declare a certain annotation); and more. MorphJ's hallmark feature is that, despite its emphasis on generality, it allows modular type-checking: a MorphJ class can be checked independently of its uses. Thus, the possibility of supplying a type parameter that will lead to invalid code is detected early, an invaluable feature for highly general components that will be statically instantiated by other programmers. We demonstrate the benefits of morphing with several examples, including a MorphJ reimplementation of DSTM2, a software transactional memory library which reduces 1,484 lines of Java reflection and bytecode engineering library calls to just 586 lines of MorphJ code.


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    Scott Arthur Moody

    Language designers have continuously explored various mechanisms to adapt code for reuse with a different purpose. Morphing is the latest concept to extend the notion of genericity to where the actual structure of a class can vary according to type variables. The authors introduce the MorphJ language, providing new mechanisms for Java beyond reflection and generics. The paper describes interesting, detailed, real-world examples to justify the MorphJ concept. For example, the authors show how one can add a default implementation class so that all nonimplemented methods provide a default behavior (such as returning null or 0). In addition, they can provide advanced dynamic type checking for what they refer to as negative or positive nested patterns to morph code only when it is type safe and doesn't invalidate certain methods with, for example, the same name. Nested patterns introduce iteration over the code; existing language constructs cannot do this without a preprocessor code generation approach. The paper provides a very detailed formal proof section to show the correctness of the main features of MorphJ. The MorphJ approach is a very interesting extension to the meta-programming class of language design, and should be explored for future mainstream languages. Online Computing Reviews Service

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    ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 33, Issue 2
    January 2011
    128 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 07 February 2011
    Accepted: 01 March 2010
    Revised: 01 February 2010
    Received: 01 November 2009
    Published in TOPLAS Volume 33, Issue 2


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    1. Metaprogramming
    2. language extensions
    3. morphing


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