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View all- Tran CTake KChampion KHill BGreenstadt R(2024)Challenges in Restructuring Community-based ModerationProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36869548:CSCW2(1-24)Online publication date: 8-Nov-2024
Despite the fact that Wikipedia articles about current events are more popular and attract more contributions than typical articles, canonical studies of Wikipedia have only analyzed articles about pre-existing information. We expect the co-authoring of ...
Wikipedia editors are uniquely motivated to collaborate around current and breaking news events. However, the speed, urgency, and intensity with which these collaborations unfold also impose a substantial burden on editors' abilities to effectively ...
Wikipedia, rich in entities and events, is an invaluable resource for various knowledge harvesting, extraction and mining tasks. Numerous resources like DBpedia, YAGO and other knowledge bases are based on extracting entity and event based knowledge ...
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