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Challenges in Restructuring Community-based Moderation

Published: 08 November 2024 Publication History


Content moderation practices and technologies need to change over time as requirements and community expectations shift. However, attempts to restructure the existing moderation practices can be difficult, especially for platforms that rely on their communities to moderate, because changes can transform the workflow and workload participants' reward systems. By examining the extensive archival discussions around a prepublication moderation technology on Wikipedia named Flagged Revisions, complemented by seven semi-structured interviews, we identify various challenges in restructuring community-based moderation practices. Thus, we find that while a new system might sound good in theory and perform well in terms of quantitative metrics, it may conflict with existing social norms. Furthermore, our findings underscore how the relationship between platforms and self-governed communities can hinder the ability to assess the performance of any new system and introduce considerable costs related to maintaining, overhauling, or scrapping any piece of infrastructure.


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Published: 08 November 2024
Published in PACMHCI Volume 8, Issue CSCW2


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  1. empirical study
  2. interview-based study
  3. moderation system
  4. technological frame
  5. wikipedia
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