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10.1145/2248418.2248424acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescpsweekConference Proceedingsconference-collections

WCET-aware re-scheduling register allocation for real-time embedded systems with clustered VLIW architecture

Published: 12 June 2012 Publication History


Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) is one of the most important metrics in real-time embedded system design. For embedded systems with clustered VLIW architecture, register allocation, instruction scheduling, and cluster assignment are three key activities to pursue code optimization which have profound impact on WCET. At the same time, these three activities exhibit a phase ordering problem: Independently performing register allocation, scheduling and cluster assignment could have a negative effect on the other phases, thereby generating sub-optimal compiled codes. In this paper, a compiler level optimization, namely WCET-aware Re-scheduling Register Allocation (WRRA), is proposed to achieve WCET minimization for real-time embedded systems with clustered VLIW architecture. The novelty of the proposed approach is that the effects of register allocation, instruction scheduling and cluster assignment on the quality of generated code are taken into account for WCET minimization. These three compilation processes are integrated into a single phase to obtain a balanced result. The proposed technique is implemented in Trimaran 4.0. The experimental results show that the proposed technique can reduce WCET effectively, by 33% on average.


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  1. WCET-aware re-scheduling register allocation for real-time embedded systems with clustered VLIW architecture



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    LCTES '12: Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems
    June 2012
    153 pages
    • cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
      ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 47, Issue 5
      LCTES '12
      MAY 2012
      152 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 12 June 2012


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    1. WCET
    2. cluster assignment
    3. instruction scheduling
    4. register allocation


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    • (2017)On Improving Performance and Energy Efficiency for Register-File Connected Clustered VLIW Architectures for Embedded System UsageThe Computer Journal10.1093/comjnl/bxx001Online publication date: 22-Jan-2017
    • (2016)Large Page Address Mapping in Massive Parallel Processor Systems2016 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS)10.1109/ICPADS.2016.0118(877-883)Online publication date: Dec-2016
    • (2015)Joint WCET and Update Activity Minimization for Cyber-Physical SystemsACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems10.1145/268053914:1(1-21)Online publication date: 21-Jan-2015
    • (2014)Effort at Constructing Big Data Sensor Networks for Monitoring Greenhouse Gas EmissionInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks10.1155/2014/61960810:7(619608)Online publication date: Jan-2014
    • (2014)WCET-aware scheduling optimizations for multi-core real-time systems2014 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XIV)10.1109/SAMOS.2014.6893196(67-74)Online publication date: Jul-2014
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    • (2013)Optimizing Instruction Scheduling and Register Allocation for Register‐File‐Connected Clustered VLIW ArchitecturesThe Scientific World Journal10.1155/2013/9130382013:1Online publication date: 18-Jul-2013

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