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10.1145/2482513.2482965acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesih-n-mmsecConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Moving steganography and steganalysis from the laboratory into the real world

Published: 17 June 2013 Publication History


There has been an explosion of academic literature on steganography and steganalysis in the past two decades. With a few exceptions, such papers address abstractions of the hiding and detection problems, which arguably have become disconnected from the real world. Most published results, including by the authors of this paper, apply "in laboratory conditions" and some are heavily hedged by assumptions and caveats; significant challenges remain unsolved in order to implement good steganography and steganalysis in practice. This position paper sets out some of the important questions which have been left unanswered, as well as highlighting some that have already been addressed successfully, for steganography and steganalysis to be used in the real world.


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  1. game theory
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