Cited By
View all- Bishnoi RLaxmi VGaur MFlich JNebel WAtienza D(2015)d2-LBDRProceedings of the 2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition10.5555/2755753.2755935(800-805)Online publication date: 9-Mar-2015
Networks-on-chip need to survive to manufacturing faults in order to sustain yield. An effective testing and configuration strategy however implies two opposite requirements. One one hand, a fast and scalable built-in self-testing and self-diagnosis ...
Homogeneous manycore systems are emerging for tera-scale computation and typically utilize Network-on-Chip (NoC) as the communication scheme between embedded cores. Effective defect tolerance techniques are essential to improve the yield of such complex ...
In this study, it is shown that any deadlock-free, turn-model based minimal routing algorithm can be extended to a non-minimal routing algorithm. Specifically, three novel non-minimal NoC routing algorithms are proposed based on the Odd-Even, West-First,...
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