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10.1145/2741948.2741954acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageseurosysConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Extensible distributed coordination

Published: 17 April 2015 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Most services inside a data center are distributed systems requiring coordination and synchronization in the form of primitives like distributed locks and message queues. We argue that extensibility is a crucial feature of the coordination infrastructures used in these systems. Without the ability to extend the functionality of coordination services, applications might end up using sub-optimal coordination algorithms, possibly leading to low performance. Adding extensibility, however, requires mechanisms that constrain extensions to be able to make reasonable security and performance guarantees. We propose a scheme that enables extensions to be introduced and removed dynamically in a secure way. To avoid performance overheads due to poorly designed extensions, it constrains the access of extensions to resources. Evaluation results for extensible versions of ZooKeeper and DepSpace show that it is possible to increase the throughput of a distributed queue by more than an order of magnitude (17x for ZooKeeper, 24x for DepSpace) while keeping the underlying coordination kernel small.

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    EuroSys '15: Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Computer Systems
    April 2015
    503 pages
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    Published: 17 April 2015


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    1. DepSpace
    2. ZooKeeper
    3. coordination services
    4. distributed algorithms
    5. extensibility


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    April 21 - 24, 2015
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