Cited By
View all- Wu YZhang LBryan-Kinns NBarthet M(2017)Open SymphonyIEEE MultiMedia10.1109/MMUL.2017.1924:1(48-62)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017
Facilitating audience participation in a music performance brings with it challenges in involving non-expert users in large-scale collaboration. A musical piece needs to be created live, over a short period of time, with limited communication channels. ...
The author has designed and implemented an interactive music performance environment which allows NoteAbilityPro, a music notation and editing program, to be interfaced with Max/MSP/Jitter or Pd. Extensions to NoteAbilityPro allow control messages and ...
Open Band is a web-based platform for collective "sound dialogues" designed to provide audiences with empowering experiences through music. The system draws on interactive participatory art and networked music performance by engaging participants in a ...
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