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Interacting with Recommenders—Overview and Research Directions

Published: 19 September 2017 Publication History


Automated recommendations have become a ubiquitous part of today’s online user experience. These systems point us to additional items to purchase in online shops, they make suggestions to us on movies to watch, or recommend us people to connect with on social websites. In many of today’s applications, however, the only way for users to interact with the system is to inspect the recommended items. Often, no mechanisms are implemented for users to give the system feedback on the recommendations or to explicitly specify preferences, which can limit the potential overall value of the system for its users.
Academic research in recommender systems is largely focused on algorithmic approaches for item selection and ranking. Nonetheless, over the years a variety of proposals were made on how to design more interactive recommenders. This work provides a comprehensive overview on the existing literature on user interaction aspects in recommender systems. We cover existing approaches for preference elicitation and result presentation, as well as proposals that consider recommendation as an interactive process. Throughout the work, we furthermore discuss examples of real-world systems and outline possible directions for future works.


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Xavier Amatriain, Josep M. Pujol, Nava Tintarev, and Nuria Oliver. 2009. Rate it again: Increasing recommendation accuracy by user re-rating. In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys’09). 173--180.
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Nofar Dali Betzalel, Bracha Shapira, and Lior Rokach. 2015. “Please, not now!”: A model for timing recommendations. In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys’15). 297--300.
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Yu Chen and Pearl Pu. 2012. CoFeel: An interface for providing emotional feedback in mobile group recommender systems. In Joint Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Recommendation Technologies for Lifesytle Change (LIFESTYLE’12) and the 1st International Workshop on Interfaces for Recommender Systems (InterfaceRS’12). 48--55.
Dan Cosley, Shyong K. Lam, Istvan Albert, Joseph A. Konstan, and John Riedl. 2003. Is seeing believing?: How recommender system interfaces affect users’ opinions. In Proceedings of the 2003 SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’03). 585--592.
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ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems  Volume 7, Issue 3
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Published: 19 September 2017
Accepted: 01 January 2017
Revised: 01 October 2016
Received: 01 March 2016
Published in TIIS Volume 7, Issue 3


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