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Fully dynamic maximal independent set with sublinear update time

Published: 20 June 2018 Publication History


A maximal independent set (MIS) can be maintained in an evolving m-edge graph by simply recomputing it from scratch in O(m) time after each update. But can it be maintained in time sublinear in m in fully dynamic graphs?
We answer this fundamental open question in the affirmative. We present a deterministic algorithm with amortized update time O(min{Δ,m3/4}), where Δ is a fixed bound on the maximum degree in the graph and m is the (dynamically changing) number of edges.
We further present a distributed implementation of our algorithm with O(min{Δ,m3/4}) amortized message complexity, and O(1) amortized round complexity and adjustment complexity (the number of vertices that change their output after each update). This strengthens a similar result by Censor-Hillel, Haramaty, and Karnin (PODC’16) that required an assumption of a non-adaptive oblivious adversary.

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Published: 20 June 2018


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