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View all- Hage RKormann-Hainzl GRuiz-Torrubiano R(2024)Facilitating Environmental Monitoring for Sustainable Smart Regions by Enabling Citizen Co-CreationProceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 202410.1145/3670243.3670263(70-76)Online publication date: 12-Sep-2024
- Flores H(2024)The Role of Micromobility in Environmental Monitoring: Reflections and Opportunities on the Use of Pervasive SensingIEEE Pervasive Computing10.1109/MPRV.2024.339190623:2(18-26)Online publication date: Apr-2024
- Kumar AWolff ANaqvi B(2023)Co-creating Community-level Indicators: Involving Communities in the Digitalization of Energy for Empowering Energy Citizenship2023 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO)10.23919/MIPRO57284.2023.10159888(1392-1397)Online publication date: 22-May-2023
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