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10.1145/3307334.3326109acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmobisysConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Real-time Arm Skeleton Tracking and Gesture Inference Tolerant to Missing Wearable Sensors

Published: 12 June 2019 Publication History


This paper presents ArmTroi, a wearable system for understanding and analyzing the detailed arm motions of people primarily by using the motion sensors from wrist-worn wearable devices. ArmTroi can achieve real-time 3D arm skeleton tracking and reliable gesture inference tolerant to missing wearable sensors for enabling numerous useful application designs. We have coped with two major challenges through ArmTroi. First, the skeleton of each arm is determined from the locations of the elbow and wrist, whereas a wearable device only senses a single point from the wrist. We find that the potential solution space is huge. This underconstrained nature fundamentally challenges the achievement of accurate and real-time arm skeleton tracking. Second, wearable sensors may not reliably provide sensory data. For example, devices are not worn by the user, yet the learning tools for gesture inference, such as deep learning, typically have static network structures, which require nontrivial network adaptation to match the input's varying availability and ensure reliable gesture inference. We propose effective techniques to address above challenges, and all computations can be conducted on the user's smartphone. ArmTroi is thus a fully lightweight and portable system. We develop a prototype and extensive evaluation shows the efficacy of the ArmTroi design.


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  1. Real-time Arm Skeleton Tracking and Gesture Inference Tolerant to Missing Wearable Sensors



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    MobiSys '19: Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
    June 2019
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 12 June 2019


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    Author Tags

    1. arm tracking
    2. deep learning
    3. gesture inference
    4. mobile sensing


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    Funding Sources

    • ECS grant
    • NSFC Grant
    • Guangdong NSF
    • Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education Institutions of China
    • NSF Grant of Shenzhen University
    • GRF grant


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