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Characterizing and Synthesizing Task Dependencies of Data-Parallel Jobs in Alibaba Cloud

Published: 20 November 2019 Publication History


Cluster schedulers routinely face data-parallel jobs with complex task dependencies expressed as DAGs (directed acyclic graphs). Understanding DAG structures and runtime characteristics in large production clusters hence plays a key role in scheduler design, which, however, remains an important missing piece in the literature. In this work, we present a comprehensive study of a recently released cluster trace in Alibaba. We examine the dependency structures of Alibaba jobs and find that their DAGs have sparsely connected vertices and can be approximately decomposed into multiple trees with bounded depth. We also characterize the runtime performance of DAGs and show that dependent tasks may have significant variability in resource usage and duration---even for recurring tasks. In both aspects, we compare the query jobs in the standard TPC benchmarks with the production DAGs and find the former inadequately representative. To better benchmark DAG schedulers at scale, we develop a workload generator that can faithfully synthesize task dependencies based on the production Alibaba trace. Extensive evaluations show that the synthesized DAGs have consistent statistical characteristics as the production DAGs, and the synthesized and real workloads yield similar scheduling results with various schedulers.


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  1. Characterizing and Synthesizing Task Dependencies of Data-Parallel Jobs in Alibaba Cloud



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    Published: 20 November 2019


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    SoCC '19: ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing
    November 20 - 23, 2019
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