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InfiniStore: Elastic Serverless Cloud Storage

Published: 01 March 2023 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Cloud object storage such as AWS S3 is cost-effective and highly elastic but relatively slow, while high-performance cloud storage such as AWS ElastiCache is expensive and provides limited elasticity. We present a new cloud storage service called ServerlessMemory, which stores data using the memory of serverless functions. ServerlessMemory employs a sliding-window-based memory management strategy inspired by the garbage collection mechanisms used in the programming language to effectively segregate hot/cold data and provides fine-grained elasticity, good performance, and a pay-per-access cost model with extremely low cost.
    We then design and implement InfiniStore, a persistent and elastic cloud storage system, which seamlessly couples the function-based ServerlessMemory layer with a persistent, inexpensive cloud object store layer. InfiniStore enables durability despite function failures using a fast parallel recovery scheme built on the auto-scaling functionality of a FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) platform. We evaluate InfiniStore extensively using both microbenchmarking and two real-world applications. Results show that InfiniStore has more performance benefits for objects larger than 10 MB compared to AWS ElastiCache and Anna, and InfiniStore achieves 26.25% and 97.24% tenant-side cost reduction compared to InfiniCache and ElastiCache, respectively.


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    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 16, Issue 7
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    • (2024)MinFlowProceedings of the 22nd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies10.5555/3650697.3650716(311-328)Online publication date: 27-Feb-2024
    • (2023)λFS: A Scalable and Elastic Distributed File System Metadata Service using Serverless FunctionsProceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 410.1145/3623278.3624765(394-411)Online publication date: 25-Mar-2023

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