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Bavarian: Betweenness Centrality Approximation with Variance-Aware Rademacher Averages

Published: 14 August 2021 Publication History


We present Bavarian, a collection of sampling-based algorithms for approximating the Betweenness Centrality (BC) of all vertices in a graph. Our algorithms use Monte-Carlo Empirical Rademacher Averages (MCERAs), a concept from statistical learning theory, to efficiently compute tight bounds on the maximum deviation of the estimates from the exact values. The MCERAs provide a sample-dependent approximation guarantee much stronger than the state of the art, thanks to its use of variance-aware probabilistic tail bounds. The flexibility of the MCERA allows us to introduce a unifying framework that can be instantiated with existing sampling-based estimators of BC, thus allowing a fair comparison between them, decoupled from the sample-complexity results with which they were originally introduced. Additionally, we prove novel sample-complexity results showing that, for all estimators, the sample size sufficient to achieve a desired approximation guarantee depends on the vertex-diameter of the graph, an easy-to-bound characteristic quantity. We also show progressive-sampling algorithms and extensions to other centrality measures, such as percolation centrality. Our extensive experimental evaluation of Bavarian shows the improvement over the state-of-the art made possible by the MCERA, and it allows us to assess the different trade-offs between sample size and accuracy guarantee offered by the different estimators.


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KDD '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
August 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 14 August 2021


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  1. concentration bounds
  2. dynamic graphs
  3. percolation centrality
  4. random sampling
  5. sample complexity
  6. statistical learning theory


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