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Designing Interactive Alerts to Improve Recognition of Critical Events in Medical Emergencies

Published: 28 June 2021 Publication History


Vital sign values during medical emergencies can help clinicians recognize and treat patients with life-threatening injuries. Identifying abnormal vital signs, however, is frequently delayed and the values may not be documented at all. In this mixed-methods study, we designed and evaluated a two-phased visual alert approach for a digital checklist in trauma resuscitation that informs users about undocumented vital signs. Using an interrupted time series analysis, we compared documentation in the periods before (two years) and after (four months) the introduction of the alerts. We found that introducing alerts led to an increase in documentation throughout the post-intervention period, with clinicians documenting vital signs earlier. Interviews with users and video review of cases showed that alerts were ineffective when clinicians engaged less with the checklist or set the checklist down to perform another activity. From these findings, we discuss approaches to designing alerts for dynamic team-based settings.


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