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HyperNeRF: a higher-dimensional representation for topologically varying neural radiance fields

Published: 10 December 2021 Publication History


Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) are able to reconstruct scenes with unprecedented fidelity, and various recent works have extended NeRF to handle dynamic scenes. A common approach to reconstruct such non-rigid scenes is through the use of a learned deformation field mapping from coordinates in each input image into a canonical template coordinate space. However, these deformation-based approaches struggle to model changes in topology, as topological changes require a discontinuity in the deformation field, but these deformation fields are necessarily continuous. We address this limitation by lifting NeRFs into a higher dimensional space, and by representing the 5D radiance field corresponding to each individual input image as a slice through this "hyper-space". Our method is inspired by level set methods, which model the evolution of surfaces as slices through a higher dimensional surface. We evaluate our method on two tasks: (i) interpolating smoothly between "moments", i.e., configurations of the scene, seen in the input images while maintaining visual plausibility, and (ii) novel-view synthesis at fixed moments. We show that our method, which we dub HyperNeRF, outperforms existing methods on both tasks. Compared to Nerfies, HyperNeRF reduces average error rates by 4.1% for interpolation and 8.6% for novel-view synthesis, as measured by LPIPS. Additional videos, results, and visualizations are available at hypernerf.github.io.

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  1. HyperNeRF: a higher-dimensional representation for topologically varying neural radiance fields



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        cover image ACM Transactions on Graphics
        ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 40, Issue 6
        December 2021
        1351 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 10 December 2021
        Published in TOG Volume 40, Issue 6


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        1. 3D synthesis
        2. dynamic scenes
        3. neural radiance fields
        4. neural rendering
        5. novel view synthesis


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