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10.1145/3485447.3512056acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageswebconfConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Multi-Granularity Residual Learning with Confidence Estimation for Time Series Prediction

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Time-series prediction is of high practical value in a wide range of applications such as econometrics and meteorology, where the data are commonly formed by temporal patterns. Most prior works ignore the diversity of dynamic pattern frequency, i.e., different granularities, suffering from insufficient information exploitation. Thus, multi-granularity learning is still under-explored for time-series prediction. In this paper, we propose a Multi-granularity Residual Learning Framework (MRLF) for more effective time series prediction. For a given time series, intuitively, there are more or less semantic overlaps and validity differences among its representations of different granularities. Due to the information redundancy, straightforward methods that leverage multi-granularity data, such as concatenation or ensemble, can easily lead to the model being dominated by the redundant coarse-grained trend information. Therefore, we design a novel residual learning net to model the prior knowledge of the fine-grained data’s distribution through the coarse-grained one. Then, by calculating the residual between multi-granularity data, the redundant information be removed. Furthermore, to alleviate the side effect of validity differences, we introduce a self-supervised objective for confidence estimation, which delivers more effective optimization without the requirement of additional annotation efforts. Extensive experiments on the real-world datasets indicate that multi-granular information significantly improves the time series prediction performance, and our model is superior in capturing such information.


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