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Featured Snippets and their Influence on Users’ Credibility Judgements

Published: 14 March 2022 Publication History


Search engines often provide featured snippets, which are boxed and placed above other results with the aim of directly answering user queries. To learn about how users judge the credibility of such results and how they influence search outcomes, a controlled web-based user study (N = 96) was conducted. Using resources made available by scholars in the community, we study featured snippets in a medical context with participants being tasked with determining whether a named treatment is helpful for a specified medical condition both before and after viewing the search results. Experimental conditions varied the presence and credibility of featured snippets. Our findings indicate that participants tend to overestimate the credibility of information in featured snippets. Featured snippets are, moreover, shown to often change users’ opinion about a topic, especially if they are uncertain. Showing correct information inside featured snippets helped participants make more accurate decisions, whereas incorrect or contradicting information led to more harmful outcomes.


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        CHIIR '22: Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval
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        1. Answer Module
        2. Credibility
        3. Featured Snippets
        4. Question Answering
        5. Search Behaviour
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