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FortClash: Predicting and Mediating Unintended Behavior in Home Automation

Published: 17 June 2022 Publication History


Smart home inhabitants can specify trigger-condition-action rules to control the home's behavior. As the number of rules and their complexity grow, however, so does the probability of issues such as inconsistencies and redundancies. These can lead to unintended behavior, including security vulnerabilities and wasted resources, which harms the inhabitants' trust in the system. Existing approaches to handle unintended behavior typically require inhabitants to define all-encompassing, permanent solutions by modifying the rules. Although this is fitting in certain situations, some unforeseen situations might occur. We argue that the user always must have the last word to avoid unwanted behaviors, without altering the overall behavior. With FortClash, we present an approach to predict many different types of unintended behavior, and contribute four novel mechanisms to mediate them that rely on making one-time exceptions. With FortClash, inhabitants gain a new tool to deal with unintended behavior in the short-term that is compatible with existing long-term approaches such as editing rules.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 6, Issue EICS
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