4.4.1 Dependent Categories.
In Figure
2, we can verify how objective realism impacted each dependent category and how many occurrences support it. The most positively impacted dependent categories were embodiment (88.9%), followed closely by user preference (76.9%), presence (70%), virtual agents (70%), task satisfaction (69.2%), perceived environment realism (67.7%), involvement (61.1%), user performance (60%), user behavior (50%), and physiological responses (33%).
User performance: The impact of objective realism in user performance is widely researched, featuring 40 occurrences. User performance was shown to be influenced positively by an increase in objective realism in 60% of the cases, neutral in 22.5%, negative in 10%, mixed in 7.5%. However small, there were also negative impacts found. There is a clear search for how well users perform under different levels of objective realism in IVE. The rise of virtual simulators could explain this number. Because IVEs have the potential to recreate and/or replicate real scenarios, they are good candidates for simulators in the most different fields. Thus, user performance is an important metric to evaluate if a given simulator can reproduce the same conditions as reality. Even though almost all of the documents considered in this study were of general purpose, several of those studies produced insightful knowledge that could be applied to IVE in different fields.
Considering one of the consequences of the sense of presence, similar user behavior to a real analogous situation, this metric would make sense to be used together with user performance to provide a better discussion about why differences in user performance may have happened. We should note that better user performance in virtual environments should not always translate to better performance in real life. If the difficulty of performing a task in a virtual space is easier than performing in real life, then IVEs in the context of training (e.g., sports, medicine, military) might not be efficient at their purpose. Possible reasons for such difficulty differences can be anxiety [
113], stimuli cues meant to help the users [
19], visual complexity [
70], the object/tool representation fidelity and interaction [
78], absence/limitation of physics [
5], or even its incorrect use [
102]. Note that in specific situations, lower user performance caused by higher objective realism might be a good indicator that the virtual environment is replicating the real-world conditions and not facilitating the user by having a simpler and lesser realistic experience. Nevertheless, in this work, we consider a negative impact on user performance if the users perform worse, as per the authors’ conclusions, disregarding if it is the desired result or not for that specific situation.
Presence: Next follows the presence dependent category with 30 registered. This metric is widely popular in IVEs and was expected to be one of the most used. Presence was positively influenced by objective realism in 70% of the cases, whereas in 30.0% there was no impact (neutral). No negative, mixed, and indeterminate impacts were found. This led us to conclude that objective realism can be an effective way to increase presence. Although, in some contexts, the efforts to create more-realistic experiences might not influence the user’s feeling of presence.
Perceived Environment Realism: Right next to presence comes the perceived environment realism with 30 occurrences. Both are usually connected in their interpretation [
103], and some presence questionnaires even have subscales/questions to evaluate experienced realism (
Igroup Presence questionnaire (IPQ) [
100] and
Presence Questionnaire (PQ) [
125]). The increase of objective realism was proven to be perceptible by users (perceived environment realism) in 66.7% of the cases. The other 23.3% were neutral, 3.3% negative, and 6.7% mixed. It is worth mentioning that one can feel present in an environment with low objective realism. The close connection between both categories might justify why they have roughly the same number of occurrences.
Involvement: There were 18 occurrences in the involvement-dependent category, suggesting that researchers aim to understand how realism affects how much and how well participants are involved in the experience. Involvement includes many different metrics (e.g., intuitiveness, emotions, comfort, pleasure, or engagement) but all related to the user’s involvement during the experience. Involvement was positively impacted by realism in 61.1% of the cases and neutral in 38.9%. Also, no negative, mixed, or indeterminate impacts were found, suggesting that an increase of realism is unlikely to decrease the user’s involvement. This dependent category could be further broken down into subcategories due to various variables, but such detail is out of this article’s scope.
Physiological Responses: We found 18 occurrences regarding the impact of realism on physiological responses. One would expect that physiologic responses would have a higher percentage of positive impacts (33.3%). However, differently from other categories, the largest part of the impact was considered neutral (50%). The rest of the impact is divided into 5.6% as negative, 5.6% as mixed, and 5.6% as indeterminate. The large percentage of neutral results does not directly mean that physiological response was not affected entirely, but could also mean that the physiological responses researchers were measuring were not the ones being affected; or if affected, the increase of objective realism was not impactful enough to change physiological responses significantly.
Physiological responses are considered objective and can help researchers better understand how participants react to different levels of realism that otherwise could not be picked up in other instruments. We speculate that physiological measurements may not be easy to use, as they require proper equipment and analysis and may be intrusive during the IVE. The fact that users can have the liberty to navigate and interact in the environment, as they would in reality, might present an obstacle for specific physiological measurements, such as electrocardiograms, introducing noise in captured data. Due to the HMD apparatus covering the head, an electroencephalogram, for example, might prove difficult to properly setup. However, it may present a powerful instrument to evaluate realism, as it is unbiased. We must note that, although the physiological responses do not depend on the user’s opinion, they may still be prone to be influenced by other variables. For example, in a stressful environment, a user with past experience in the field might present a different physiological response than a person experiencing the depicted event for the first time. Although, this situation might be mitigated by using a larger and diverse sample. However, it is still important to keep track of possible confounding variables to guarantee valid results.
Overall, physiological measurements consisted of heart rate, skin conductance, and electrocardiograms. Other physiological responses that were not measured by physiology equipment consisted of simulator sickness symptoms and motion sway. We argue that simulator sickness (cybersickness) is particularly important to be evaluated in specific contexts. It consists of motion sickness that evokes symptoms such as nausea, headaches, dizziness, eye strain, sweating, disorientation, or vomiting [
55]. Several theories exist regarding the symptoms’ origin, but the most accepted is the sensory conflict theory. When a discrepancy happens between the visual and vestibular systems, cybersickness symptoms arise. Positional tracking error, lag, or flickering (the higher the field of view, the more the flickering is perceived, as peripheral vision is more sensitive to it) may contribute to cybersickness [
55]. Although the advancements of technology already mitigate these variables, other factors may still be at play. Individual factors such as age, gender, and illness may influence the sensitivity to cybersickness.
Regarding how the virtual experience was done, the user’s position (sited/standing) and the amount of control they have in the experience may affect cybersickness. Therefore, if overlooked, cybersickness could interfere negatively with the participant’s experience, which could compromise the results, depending on the severity of the symptoms. The results revealed that authors are very consistent in how cybersickness is measured, always using questionnaires, particularly the
Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) [
46], although, from 1993, it is still used in recent studies.
User Preference: A total of 13 occurrences regarding the user’s preferences were found. Users notably preferred more objective realism, with user preference scoring positively in 76.9% of cases, 23.1% as neutral. No negative, mixed, or indeterminate results were found. We suggest that user preferences should be taken into account as control variables to better understand the results and provide better discussions.
Task Satisfaction: We found 13 occurrences regarding the users’ task satisfaction. Results indicated that it was positively impacted by realism in 69.2% of the cases, neutral in 23.1%, and indeterminate in 7.7%. The lack of negative and mixed results suggests that task satisfaction is likely to not decrease due to higher objective realism. This can be an interesting metric, as users might consider the task easier and comfortable to perform with different levels of objective realism. Consider that there was a mismatch where users wrongly thought that they performed well above their actual performance. Such could indicate a possible excess of confidence (users might feel at ease and confident they performed well), low understanding of the tasks (wrongly thinking the task is being performed right), or lack of feedback from the application. If the application aims to train users to execute tasks in the real world, then a higher objective realism might be desirable [
86] even if the task satisfaction is lower because it properly replicates the real-world conditions. However, if the application objective is to lead users to perform tasks specifically in the IVE, then it might be desirable to increase their task satisfaction ratings.
Virtual Agents: We found 10 occurrences regarding the impact of realism on how users rate virtual agents. Eventually, a virtual experience will need other entities, either controlled by humans or autonomous, to replicate reality properly. Social interactions are an intrinsic aspect of human life. As such, how realism impacts our perception of virtual agents is an important element to consider. Virtual agents were usually better rated when realism was increased, gathering 60% of positive impacts, 20% neutral, and 10% mixed. Despite the one mixed impact, no negative impact was found.
Embodiment: A total of nine occurrences were found considering the embodiment (substituting the real body by a virtual one [
103]), lower than what was expected. It was the most benefited dependent category from an increase in objective realism, with 88.9% of the cases being a positive impact and only 11.1% having mixed results.
One of the key challenges of IVEs is to trick the human brain into considering the self-avatar as their real body [
103]. If such an illusion is successful, then users will behave differently physically and cognitively than if there was no illusion. This is called the “Proteus Effect” [
126]. This mental illusion can even be traced back to studies not using IVE, such as the rubber-hand experience [
9]. This experiment proved that participants behave as if the rubber hand was indeed their hand, even though they knew it was not, in the face of a threat. Due to the plasticity of the human brain in accepting different avatars as it is own [
110] and having diverse results on human psychology [
126], we expected a higher number of studies documenting the realism role in this illusion. We suspect that the difficulty to properly track the human body, as it requires complex tracking systems, can be a barrier for several studies. Also, self-avatars are mainly used in immersive VR and MR [
110], as in AR the real body can be seen at all times unless the virtual body is overlaid on top of the real body.
User Behavior: With the least occurrences (four), we have user behavior. This was unexpected, as user behavior can be a strong objective indicative (if objective evaluations are used) that users consider the environment as real and therefore behave accordingly. However, to properly evaluate user behavior, it is necessary to determine the ground truth behavior. An example of this would be using methodologies to record facial expressions and body movements under real-world conditions and compare them to those recorded under virtual conditions. Although, this requires a real-world variant to be possible. When such is undoable, we would need to rely on the literature (how users should behave under specific situations) or/and use conditions as close as possible to the one being replicated in an IVE as the ground truth, or even resort to machine learning.
Therefore, we speculate that one of the reasons for a lower study count could be the lack of viable methodologies to evaluate user behavior properly. From the identified studies, only two studies evaluated user behavior, and both used objective measurements but without a real-world baseline. The study conducted by Habibnezhad et al. [
34] researched how users behaved in IVE when exposed to heights vs. ground level with and without virtual legs. Their approach to measure behavior was through tracking, measuring the user’s stride. The other study was done by Krum et al. [
50] where user proxemic behavior was studied by registering the distance users kept from a virtual agent. Overall, user behavior was not negatively impacted in any of the studies, resulting in 50% of positive impact, 25% neutral, and 25% indeterminate. However, we should also note that the sample was too small (four occurrences) to properly present any conclusions. Therefore, we suggest that more work should be directed at studying how users behave when confronted with different levels of objective realism in IVE.
4.4.2 Individual Realism Factor Impact.
This section discusses the impact of each Realism Factor individually. An overall view of the Realism Factors impact can be visualized in Figures
3 and
IVE Content (Visual - Avatar) impact was studied in every dependent category except involvement. The most studied was User Performance, accounting for 11 occurrences, more than in any other Realism Factor, with the majority of the impact being positive (58.3%).
Some examples of what was evaluated in this Realism Factor were: virtual agents behavioral realism [
52], communicative realism through smile [
33], body parts such as legs [
34] or hands [
91], avatar texture fidelity [
117], anthropometric fidelity [
120], crowd behavior [
94], hand proportion [
87], different head/arms/forearm/hands configurations [
From the results, we can see a search for understanding how avatars (which could be in the form of self-avatar or virtual agents) influence user performance. This is an important topic of research when considering training simulators. Several professions such as firefighters [
90], surgeons [
15], or military [
116] have tasks that require teamwork. Thus, a self-avatar might prove useful to give users a sense of embodiment as well as virtual agents to which they must collaborate/interact [
As expected, the following two most researched categories are virtual agents (eight occurrences) and embodiment (six occurrences). As researchers are investigating avatars (self-avatars and virtual agents), it is expected that they also apply metrics to evaluate them. Virtual agents’ scores usually improved (75% of the cases) with higher objective avatar realism. All of the six occurrences of embodiment showed a positive impact when increasing the objective avatar’s realism. Overall, IVE Content (Visual - Avatar) positively influenced 72.1% of studied cases, 18.6% were neutral results, 2.3% were negative, 4.7% mixed, and 2.3% indeterminate.
Curiously, there was no mention of the Uncanny Valley. The negative effect found was on user performance, which resulted from an increase in difficulty to perform a task (as discussed in
IVE Content (Visual - Environment) impact was researched in seven categories. No studies were found regarding its impact on Task Satisfaction and Virtual Agents.
Variables studied in this Realism Factor consisted in: visual complexity (amount of detail, clutter, and objects on scene) [
92], texture quality and
levels of detail (LOD) [
36], texture repetition [
11], and polygon/triangle count [
Involvement research was expected to be more extensive, as one would expect that an increase of environmental realism should be directly linked to a better involvement. Similarly to IVE Content (Visual - Avatar), the most researched impact of the factor was on User Performance. Overall, IVE Content (Visual - Environment) positively impacted 61.5% of the studied cases, 23.1% were neutral, and 15.4% were mixed results.
IVE Content (Audio) impact was investigated in six categories. Non-researched categories were: Embodiment, Task Satisfaction, User Behavior, and Physiological Responses. Some variables studied in the context of this Realism Factor were: task-appropriate sounds [
19], steps and soundscape [
47], ambient noises [
95], audio directivity [
123], and
Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) [
This Realism Factor presents only 11 total occurrences with a maximum of 3 occurrences on presence and involvement. It would be interesting to focus more research on how audio content realism could improve user behavior. We suggest this particular research due to the premise that, in specific contexts, more-realistic audio cues could change the users’ behavior in dangerous situations. Monteiro et al. [
80] studied critical stimuli in decision-making in VR training and concluded that trainees should experience the same critical stimuli in VR as they would experience in the real-world scenario for a VR simulator to be a valid alternative to real-world training. For example, when crossing the road, the presence of a vehicle sound approaching the user could influence how the user would behave. Likewise, in a mechanic simulator, heavy machinery’s audio fidelity could modify how users behave around them due to safety reasons. We also suggest more work on user performance in IVEs, as some tasks might require faithful audio to be properly performed. For example, a simulation where mechanics have to diagnose engine problems through their sound, a medic trying to hear a patient’s heart through a stethoscope, or firefighters listening for possible gas leaks. Please note that this does not mean that realistic audio is not already used in IVEs, only that its impact is not thoroughly investigated.
Curiously, none of the studies explored the audio occlusion, Doppler Effect, or reverberation. Although two studies explored HRFT [
44] and speech directivity [
123], overall, little attention was given to sound propagation. Audio occlusion, for example, could prove useful for firefighters to locate a gas leak. Because the frequency of occluded audio would be lower by a wall or door, firefighters might use such audio cues to locate the leak. In the architecture field, a hypothetical simulator where users could build infrastructures (such as theaters) would also benefit from a proper simulation of sound propagation. Users could experiment with several objects and materials and modify the overall 3D shape to preview how sound would feel. Also, no studies were found researching audio-compression quality, such as bit-rate or sample rate. Instead, studies were more focused on the presence/absence of audio cues. Overall, it presented a positive impact in 45.5% of the studied cases with the rest being neutral (54.5%), making it the only Realism Factor where a positive impact was the less prominent.
IVE Content (Haptic) was investigated in all dependent categories, except Embodiment. From the categories researched, the one that featured more occurrences was presence (six). Gonçalves et al. [
30] placed a simple wooden board in the ground to serve as a haptic stimulus of going up a stair step. Joyce and Robinson [
45] used a blank panel so users would have haptic feedback when touching a virtual button. The studies above show relatively simple yet effective methods of increasing objective realism through passive haptics with good positive results overall. However, some problems could arise due to safety reasons, such as users not expecting a stair degree and possibly tripping and falling [
30], or properly synchronize the real object with the virtual one [
27]. Some example of variables studied in active haptics were: wind [
93] and thermal feedback [
93], being touched by avatar [
50], presence of vibration [
63], and presence of force-feedback [
Notably, no negative, mixed or indeterminate results were found. Overall, IVE Content (Haptic) impact was positive on 79.2% of the studied cases and neutral in 20.8%.
IVE System (Audio) was investigated in three categories. Non-researched categories were: Embodiment, Task Satisfaction, Virtual Agents, User Preference, User Performance, User Behavior, and Physiological Responses. No negative, mixed, and indeterminate results were found. Half of the results were positive and half were neutral, with the most researched dependent category (Perceived Environment Realism) only having two occurrences. However, more research is needed in this Realism Factor to corroborate existing results as only two documents researched this topic. One of the studies compared types of acoustic environment (FOA-static binaural, FOA-tracked binaural, FOA-2D octagonal speaker array) [
39] and the other explored the use of noise-cancelling headphones [
47]. The first study concluded that FOA-2D octagonal array outperformed the rest of the acoustic environment. The second concluded that noise-cancelling did not affect presence, involvement, and subjective realism but reduced user’s distraction.
IVE System (Haptic) was investigated in six categories. Non-researched categories were: Embodiment, Virtual Agents, User Behavior. One negative impact was found on the Physiologic Response. No mixed or indeterminate results were registered. Examples of variables studied in this Realism Factor were: tangible fidelity (different ways to represent the same stimulus) [
85], different prototypes to synthesize texture [
4], using a motion platform vs. a real vehicle [
127], and using a tracked real putter instead of a controller in a golf-related task [
25]. Overall, the IVE System (Haptic) impact was positive on 66.7% of the studied cases, neutral in 28.6%, and negative in 4.8%.
IVE System (Interaction) was investigated in six categories. Non-researched categories were: Embodiment, Perceived Environment Realism, Virtual Agents, and Physiological Responses. Some examples of variables studied under this Realism Factor were: locomotion technique [
50], different grasping object techniques [
119], and ability to interact with virtual object [
131]. More studies investigating interaction were expected. One of the essential points of being in an IVE is the ability to interact with it to provoke changes and received feedback from those changes [
130]. Although few documents were found that studied different levels of interaction objective realism, it does not mean other studies were not using interaction at all. Overall, the IVE System (Interaction) impact was positive on 73.3% of the studied cases, neutral in 13.3%, mixed in 6.7%, and indeterminate in 6.7%.
IVE System (Camera) was investigated in eight categories. Non-researched categories were: Virtual Agents and User Behavior. There were no negative and indeterminate impacts. However, a mixed result was found. Examples of variables studied under this Realism Factor were: field of view [
92] and field of regard [
54], intra-camera distance [
18], depth of field [
18], foveated rendering with different foveal regions sizes [
122], ocular parallax [
49], processed video feedback from the real world [
121], and first-person and third-person perspectives [
73]. Overall, IVE System (Camera) impact was positive on 56.3% of the studied cases, neutral in 37.5%, and indeterminate in 6.3%.
IVE System (Lights) was investigated in four categories (Physiological Responses, User Performance, Presence, and Perceived Environment Realism). Non-researched categories were: Embodiment, Task Satisfaction, Virtual Agents, Involvement, User Preference, and User Behavior. There were no mixed or indeterminate results. Some examples of variables studied in the Realism Factor were: radiosity [
84], raytracing and raycasting [
109], shading models (unlit shader, Lambert diffuse shader, flat shader) [
129], and
high dynamic range (HDR) [
101]. Overall, the IVE System (Lights) impact was positive on 46.2% of the studied cases, neutral in 46.2%, and negative in 7.7%.
IVE System (Physics) was investigated in six categories (Physiological Responses, User Performance, Presence, Involvement, Task Satisfaction, and Perceived Environment Realism). Non-researched categories were: Embodiment, Virtual Agents, User Preference, and User Behavior. There was one negative impact but no mixed or indeterminate results. Examples of variables studied in this Realism Factor were: object physics coherency [
102], gravity [
5], and simulated collisions [
8]. We expected more studies in this regard. Every day, we experience physics laws, which led us to get used to how objects and other elements should behave. This is important for certain IVE, such as soccer players training their kicks or golf players training their putt. Both examples are widely sensitive to the physics engine’s faithfulness in replicating real-world conditions so users can properly transfer their skills to real-world situations. For example, it is not natural to launch an object and see it floating in the air, ignoring earth’s gravity. But, like any other Realism Factor, it is all context-dependent. If one is led to believe it is in space, then lack of gravity is expected and justified in the IVE, as the same would happen in the same circumstances in reality. If one is led to believe it is in space but with artificial gravity (e.g., centrifugal force), then experiencing gravity in a space simulated environment would be objectively realistic. Overall, the impact of IVE System (Physics) was positive on 50% of the studied cases, neutral in 37.5%, and negative in 12.5%. We must note that physics was one of the less-studied Realism Factors, with only three documents researching it. Curiously, presence was researched in every Realism Factor (except in some Realism Factor combinations), which indicates it as a very popular metric in IVE studies.
4.4.6 Discussing the Negative Impact.
Only a few studies registered a negative impact. It is important to understand why these studies, in particular, reported such results. We verified that the negative impact is only present in Physiological Responses (provoked by IVE System (Haptic)), User Performance (caused by IVE System (Lights) + IVE Content (Visual-Environment), IVE System (Lights), IVE System (Camera) + IVE Content (Visual-Environment) and IVE Content (Visual-Avatar)), and Perceived Environment Realism (caused by IVE System (Physics)).
Regarding Physiological responses, there was only one document that reported a negative impact (of IVE System (Haptic)) [
127], which was in the form of simulator sickness. In this study, users felt more simulator sickness when going from a motion platform to an actual vehicle in a virtual driving simulation using an HMD. However, the participants were not in control of the real vehicle. Although the authors state that the visual stimuli were in sync with the real vehicle movement, the lack of control may be one of the causes that increased simulation sickness [
Regarding User Performance, we found a total of four documents reporting a negative impact of realism. One of the works was from Petti et al. [
89], where higher IVE System (Lights) + IVE Content (Visual-Environment) realism resulted in worse User Performance. Authors speculate that the higher level of detail distracted participants, leading them to spend more time in the virtual environment, resulting in increased motion sickness (several display issues were reported by the authors, with emphasis on high-fidelity condition), which reduced their scores and lowered their performance. If we consider this justification, then objective realism was not the direct cause of the negative impact, but rather the hardware limitations (as display issues were reported) provoking cybersickness symptoms the longer users spent in the IVE. Such led us to suggest that an increase of objective realism should only be done if the equipment allows it, or it may cause the exact opposite results from those expected.
Another work was from Mania et al. [
67], where a negative impact of IVE System (Lights) was found over User Performance, specifically on memory performance. Although memory performance itself was not affected by viewing condition (flat-shaded vs. radiosity), confidence scores (the certainty of users had in their responses) were lower in the most realistic condition. Authors suggest that this is due to the less-realistic environment being more distinctive than the real one. The less realistic the environment is, the more distinctive it is when judging it against reality. Authors link this difference in distinctiveness to psychological research, which has shown that distinctive experiences led to more awareness states related to ‘remembering.’ The research team has two views over this: In a way, the increase in realism diminished user performance. However, and by following the author’s justification, such happened due to indirect consequences of realism and/or due to methodology limitations. By looking through a different scope, purposely lowering realism to increase performance can be beneficial if there is no intent to transmit the experience to a real-life situation. Therefore, if the objective is to translate the experience/knowledge to real life, then one should increase realism to avoid a disconnection between what users experience virtually and what reality is. For example, a student conducting an online test in immersive VR could benefit from a less-realistic scenario, possibly making it less distracting, increasing user performance. Another example would be a virtual training situation where firefighters would have to remember a building’s layout. By using a less-realistic environment, their performance might be higher. Albeit, there could be a discrepancy when going to a real-life location, as the complexity of the environment would be much higher than what they experienced in simulation.
The results from Stinson et al.’s [
113] study demonstrated a negative impact of increased IVE System (Camera) + IVE Content (Visual - Environment) realism on User Performance. The authors investigated how anxiety triggers, the field of regard, and simulation fidelity would impact the user’s performance (save percentage) and task satisfaction as a goalkeeper in a football free-kick simulation. Simulation fidelity had two levels, low (only the field, net, kicker, and ball) and high (the addition of other characters, large stadium with a crowd, more sounds, better animations), which represented a more complex and closer experience to reality. The results indicated that the save percentage in the lowest field of regard condition decreased with higher simulation fidelity. Authors suggest that peripheral awareness can be helpful only if it is not too distracting. Therefore, the higher peripheral vision allowed by the higher field of regard could increase the potential for distraction in more complex audiovisual simulations (such as the one portrayed in the high simulation fidelity condition). This distraction could have affected user’s performance. However, we should note that it should be preferable to consider more-realistic environments for training, even if users perform worse than less-realistic environments, because a more-realistic experience is closer to real-life conditions. Users would then be better prepared to transfer that training into the real world (where all the stressful and distractive factors such as crowd, teammates, opponents, and others are present) [
The last study that reported a negative effect of higher objective realism (IVE Content (Visual-Avatar)) on User Performance was conducted by Kyriakou et al. [
51]. The authors studied crowd behavior realism, where the user task was to follow a child through the crowd. The conditions differed in how the crowd reacted to the user, from ignoring it altogether, avoiding collisions, and avoiding collisions while displaying basic social interactions. The results indicated that the more realistic the crowd reaction, the less the user performance. Authors suggest that the increase of realism of crowd led users also to behave more realistically. This is supported by the fact that when virtual characters were trying to avoid collisions, participants also started to avoid collisions at a higher rate. Furthermore, when virtual characters showed social interactions such as waving, users were found to also wave back to them. This led us to suggest that, similarly to Mania et al.’s study [
67], low objective realism can be a way to “cheat.” By downplaying the realism of a situation to the point where users do not need to follow social rules or obey physics, we are, in a way, decreasing the difficulty of “real life.” However, we enforce that this is context-dependent, and higher objective realism over lower might not always be better.
Finally, the last reported negative case comes from Jeffrey Bertrand et al.’s study [
5], where a negative effect of IVE System (Physics) was found on the Perceived Environment Realism. Authors studied the effect of the presence and absence of gravity. The results indicated that higher realism (gravity) condition resulted in an unexpected lower sensory fidelity factor score. They presented two possible justifications: one centered on a limitation of the questionnaire and another on a limitation of the experimental apparatus. The first one was due to questions that required the ability to examine objects closely, which was easier when no gravity is at play, and objects can float right in front of the users. The second was due to electromagnetic tracking controllers getting out of the boundary and introducing jittering in the tracking. Both factors could have influenced the results, causing a possible false negative (impact wise).
There seem to be some limitations regarding the equipment restrictions when trying to create objectively realistic IVEs. To virtually replicate the real world, enormous computational power and specialized equipment are often needed to provide users with faithful stimuli. Considering that VR usually requires higher refresh rates to reduce cybersickness [
55] while also generally having higher resolutions than non-immersive setups, a higher load is sometimes put over the rendering pipeline saturating the hardware processing capacity. However, this type of equipment is not always possible to set up, and some researchers might opt to use available equipment to conduct experiences that may not be up to the task. The authors can catch up with these limitations during the development phase and/or experimental phase. Still, sometimes they can pass unnoticed (mainly in situations with less robust methodologies), influencing the results without the author’s knowledge. There may also be situations where authors are just conducting experiments already using cutting-edge technology and still encounter hardware/software limitations (depending on the context of the applications and how well coded and optimized they are).
We suggest studying equipment limitations thoroughly. What are their boundaries? What happens if users/authors push them too far? How can the study methodology mitigate these limitations? Is it worth it to push the equipment to its edge and risk biased results? Some of these points could be carefully accounted for while developing the study. If possible, then pilot studies could add an extra layer of testing. Users could behave in unexpected ways that could uncover hardware restrictions (e.g., leaving the tracking area, erratic head movements displaying the limits of lower refresh rates). There will always be boundaries in IVEs. Slater [
105], in his introduction to PI and PsI, also discussed this problem: The more participants probe the virtual system, the more significant the change to break the PI. There seems to exist a tradeoff between giving participants freedom to explore and behave like in reality and breaking the illusion of “being there” when system limitations are met, or providing such a rich and detailed environment but with poorer performance.