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Ubiquitous Work Assistant: Synchronizing a Stationary and a Wearable Conversational Agent to Assist Knowledge Work

Published: 08 June 2022 Publication History


Recent research in Human-Computer Interaction for work has shown that conversational agents (CA) are beneficial for supporting focused work and well-being while at work. Knowledge workers struggle in maintaining focus, work schedule, and well-being. Typically, they rely on multiple tools and services for work productivity, scheduling tasks, and reminding breaks. With the goal of tackling these problems, we propose the concept of a ubiquitous work assistant (UWA), which consists of two components: a stationary CA (S-CA) and a wearable CA (W-CA). S-CA is meant to be placed on user’s work desk while W-CA is fixed on the user’s wrist. The UWA interface is distributed between S-CA and W-CA. We initiated our study by conducting semi-structured interviews with knowledge workers (N = 14). We identified their expectations from conversational agents (CAs) that would assist them in their daily work life. From the interview findings, we developed an UWA prototype that could assist users by briefing their daily schedule, monitoring their schedule, and reminding breaks. We conducted a lab study simulating a home-office environment. The findings of the study show that the knowledge workers see potential in the UWA system. Further, we discuss implications of distributed user interface (DUI) for UWA design.


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          cover image ACM Other conferences
          CHIWORK '22: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work
          June 2022
          215 pages
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          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

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          Published: 08 June 2022

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          1. Conversational agent
          2. breaks
          3. distributed user interface
          4. focus work
          5. knowledge worker
          6. work organization


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