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What Do Users Think of Promotional Gamification Schemes? A Qualitative Case Study in a Question Answering Website

Published: 11 November 2022 Publication History


In recent years, studies on the user experience have emerged as an indispensable part of any gamification research. The study of user experience enables gamification designers and practitioners to design or adapt their gamification schemes in a more knowledgeable and efficacious manner. However, one popular gamification scheme that has largely remained under-researched in terms of user experience is promotional gamification, which refers to an optional and time-limited gamification program that usually mounts an already gamified platform to increase user incentive and engagement for a short span of time (e.g., during the holiday season). The current study undertakes the first steps necessary to explore users' experiences of working with a promotional gamification scheme in a large-scale online community. To this end, we conduct an extensive qualitative case study of users' experiences with a promotional gamification scheme on the Community Question Answering Website (CQA) of Stack Exchange, called Winter Bash (WB). Notably, the purpose of WB is to operate as a makeshift solution that prevents the decline in user contributions during the holiday season. However, like many other gamification schemes, WB is not devoid of issues, and our research helps identify those issues without overlooking the WB's strengths. Our study denotes not only the first (empirical) typology of users' affective responses to promotional gamification schemes but also the first classification of (de)motivational factors involved in user engagement. At its core, this study comprises two salient parts: (1) a content analysis of user-generated data regarding WB (from the past eight years), and (2) a series of semi-structured interviews with 17 international users who are familiar with WB. We triangulate our findings from (1) and (2) by performing a similar content analysis for two other promotional gamification schemes, namely "Answerathon" (from Travel Meta) and "Discussion Tournament" (from Reddit). Based on the findings of this study, we present certain guidelines for gamification designers and practitioners, enabling them to deploy or adapt their promotional gamification schemes in a more knowledgeable and effective manner. Finally, our work is concluded by highlighting a few novel research opportunities for researchers invested in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW).

Supplementary Material

ZIP File (v6cscw2399aux.zip)
A PDF file explaining the interview guide for our work and containing our interview questions


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  1. affective response
  2. community question answering website (CQA)
  3. demotivators
  4. engagement
  5. gamification
  6. gamification design
  7. motivators
  8. promotional gamification
  9. qualitative research


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  • Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
  • 5GEAR and FIT projects from Academy of Finland


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