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Understanding Multi-View Collaboration between Augmented Reality and Remote Desktop Users

Published: 11 November 2022 Publication History


Establishing an effective collaboration between augmented-reality (AR) and remote desktop users is a challenge because collaborators do not share a common physical space and equipment. Yet, such asymmetrical collaboration configurations are common today for many design tasks, due to the geographical distance of people or unusual circumstances such as a lockdown. We conducted a first study to investigate trade-offs of three remote representations of an AR workspace: a fully virtual representation, a first-person view, and an external view. Building on our findings, we designed ARgus, a multi-view video-mediated communication system that combines these representations through interactive tools for navigation, previewing, pointing, and annotation. We report on a second user study that observed how 12 participants used ARgus to provide remote instructions for an AR furniture arrangement task. Participants extensively used its view transition tools, while the system reduced their reliance on verbal instructions.

Supplementary Material

ZIP File (v6cscw2549aux.zip)
Supplementary Material for CSCW 2022 January 2022: Understanding Multi-View Collaboration between Augmented Reality and Remote Desktop Users For the two user studies, we provide: - The PDF version of all questionnaires used in the study - CSV files with participants' answers - The R code for the analyses reported in the paper. To execute the code, you may need to install some required libraries (please check the "library" or "require" statements on the top of each R file). Note that running the Bayesian analyses for questionnaire responses can take some time. For Study 2, we also provide: - The pre-registration files. - The word analysis of transcripts as well as the inter-coder reliability analysis that we conducted.
MP4 File (v6cscw2549.mp4)
Supplemental video


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 6, Issue CSCW2
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Published: 11 November 2022
Published in PACMHCI Volume 6, Issue CSCW2


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