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Your Text Is Hard to Read: Facilitating Readability Awareness to Support Writing Proficiency in Text Production

Published: 10 July 2023 Publication History


Allowing users of interactive systems to reflect on their task proficiency is often incidental. This is unfortunate, as communicating meaningful task-related proficiency feedback could improve users’ awareness of their abilities and their willingness to improve. To highlight the feasibility of this concept, we evaluated how different methods of readability feedback impacted users during a text production task. In general, our results showed that having access to readability feedback allowed participants to reflect on their task solving approach, facilitating the users’ understanding of their proficiency. Revision-based methods are less distracting for the user than continuous feedback methods, while still offering high efficacy. Further, feedback should be paired with a subtle form of gamification elements. We envision this reflection-oriented design to user proficiency to be applicable to a variety of interactive systems, allowing for an improved and engaging user experience.

Supplemental Material

ZIP File
Source code, scripts and tables as well as graphs (high quality). web_form: source code for the web form used in the studies web_form_conditions: specific views for of all the conditions used in the studies scripts: associated scripts and datasets for S1 and S2, including R analysis and python scripts to plot readability over time; datasets are cleaned as described in the paper tables_graphs: high resolution image/vector graphics of figures in the paper


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DIS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
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