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"Off Script:" Design Opportunities Emerging from Long-Term Social Robot Interactions In-the-Wild

Published: 13 March 2023 Publication History


Social robots are becoming increasingly prevalent in the real world. Unsupervised user interactions in a natural and familiar setting, such as the home, can reveal novel design insights and opportunities. This paper presents an analysis and key design insights from family-robot interactions, captured via on-robot recordings during an unsupervised four-week in-home deployment of an autonomous reading companion robot for children. We analyzed interviews and 160 interaction videos involving six families who regularly interacted with a robot for four weeks. Throughout these interactions, we observed how the robot's expressions facilitated unique interactions with the child, as well as how family members interacted with the robot. In conclusion, we discuss five design opportunities derived from our analysis of natural interactions in the wild.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (hrifp1125.mp4)
Supplemental video
MP4 File (HRI23-fp1125.mp4)
In this video we describe findings of child- and family-robot interactions that take place outside of the designed interactions, or "off-script." Through video and interview analysis, we describe how children respond in the moment to robot verbal and non-verbal actions and how families tried to get involved. We finish we some design recommendations for real-world family-robot interactions.


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