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Contrastive Learning for Legal Judgment Prediction

Published: 21 April 2023 Publication History


Legal judgment prediction (LJP) is a fundamental task of legal artificial intelligence. It aims to automatically predict the judgment results of legal cases. Three typical subtasks are relevant law article prediction, charge prediction, and term-of-penalty prediction. Due to the wide range of potential applications, LJP has attracted a great deal of interest, prompting the development of numerous approaches. These methods mainly focus on building a more accurate representation of a case’s fact description in order to improve the performance of judgment prediction. They overlook, however, the practical judicial scenario in which human judges often compare similar law articles or possible charges before making a final decision. To this end, we propose a supervised contrastive learning framework for the LJP task. Specifically, we train the model to distinguish (1) various law articles within the same chapter of a Law and (2) similar charges of the same law article or related law articles. By this means, the fine-grained differences between similar articles/charges can be captured, which are important for making a judgment. Besides, we optimize our model by identifying cases with the same article/charge labels, allowing it to more effectively model the relationship between the case’s fact description and its associated labels. By jointly learning the LJP task with the aforementioned contrastive learning tasks, our model achieves better performance than the state-of-the-art models on two real-world datasets.


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    cover image ACM Transactions on Information Systems
    ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 41, Issue 4
    October 2023
    958 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 21 April 2023
    Online AM: 18 January 2023
    Accepted: 05 January 2023
    Revised: 04 November 2022
    Received: 02 August 2022
    Published in TOIS Volume 41, Issue 4


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    1. Deep learning
    2. legal judgment prediction
    3. supervised contrastive learning
    4. legal artificial intelligence
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