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Olio: A Semantic Search Interface for Data Repositories

Published: 29 October 2023 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Search and information retrieval systems are becoming more expressive in interpreting user queries beyond the traditional weighted bag-of-words model of document retrieval. For example, searching for a flight status or a game score returns a dynamically generated response along with supporting, pre-authored documents contextually relevant to the query. In this paper, we extend this hybrid search paradigm to data repositories that contain curated data sources and visualization content. We introduce a semantic search interface, Olio, that provides a hybrid set of results comprising both auto-generated visualization responses and pre-authored charts to blend analytical question-answering with content discovery search goals. We specifically explore three search scenarios - question-and-answering, exploratory search, and design search over data repositories. The interface also provides faceted search support for users to refine and filter the conventional best-first search results based on parameters such as author name, time, and chart type. A preliminary user evaluation of the system demonstrates that Olio’s interface and the hybrid search paradigm collectively afford greater expressivity in how users discover insights and visualization content in data repositories.

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