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SPRING: Improving the Throughput of Sharding Blockchain via Deep Reinforcement Learning Based State Placement

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Sharding provides an opportunity to overcome the inherent scalability challenges of the blockchain, which is the infrastructure for the next generation of the Web. In a sharding blockchain, the state is partitioned into smaller groups known as "shards." Since the states are placed on different shards, cross-shard transactions are inevitable, which is detrimental to the performance of the sharding blockchain. Existing solutions place states based on heuristic algorithms or redistribute states via graph-partitioning-based methods, which are either less effective or costly. In this paper, we present SPRING, the first deep-reinforcement-learning(DRL)-based sharding framework for state placement. SPRING formulates the state placement as a Markov Decision Process, which considers the cross-shard transaction ratio and workload balancing and employs DRL to learn the effective state placement policy. Experimental results based on real Ethereum transaction data demonstrate the superiority of SPRING compared to other state placement solutions. In particular, it decreases the cross-shard transaction ratio by up to 26.63% and boosts throughput by up to 36.03%, all without unduly sacrificing the workload balance among shards. Moreover, updating the training model and making decisions takes only 0.1s and 0.002s, respectively, which shows the overhead is acceptable.

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    Index Terms

    1. SPRING: Improving the Throughput of Sharding Blockchain via Deep Reinforcement Learning Based State Placement



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      Published: 13 May 2024


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      1. blockchain
      2. deep reinforcement learning
      3. scalability
      4. sharding


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