Next, the performance of the proposed solutions is tested against five tile-based methods by employing bandwidth trace 1 and trace 2 for the
Football and
Performance videos. We normalized the values of the QoE functions defined in Equations (
1) through (
4). The QoE weight coefficients are set as
\(\alpha =1, \beta = 0.8, \gamma = 0.6, \delta =0.2\). The weights are selected to emphasize a different combination of QoE objectives. A larger value of
\(\alpha\) indicates that the user is more concerned with the quality of the viewport, while a smaller value of
\(\delta\) indicates that the user places less importance on playback buffer risk. Increasing the weights of the
\(\gamma\), and
\(\delta\) parameters results in negative QoE values for CTF and PBA clients for Surfing videos. Therefore, these values are selected to provide a useful QoE comparison between the proposed and other solutions.
The reference tile-based delivery solutions use viewers’ head motion patterns to adaptively select bitrates. Figure
7 depicts the video quality experienced and averaged across 48 users for 1s, 1.5s, and 2s segments. It can be seen that the performance of the algorithms in Figures
7(a) and
7(c) is higher than that shown in Figures
7(b) and
7(d). The average QoE values are lower accordingly with bandwidth decrease for the same QoE weight coefficients. The higher QoE scores of larger tiling layouts (i.e., 6
\(\times\) 4 and 8
\(\times\) 6) for the 1s
Performance video (Figures
7(c) and
7(d)) are due to the higher average tile overlap. Despite the lower tile overlap, the UVP, CTF, PBA, and AVR streaming methods achieve higher-quality scores for the
Football video with a 1s segment duration due to the smaller average segment sizes (Figures
7(a) and
7(b)). Figure
7(a) results show that
DFT1 improves the QoE compared to other methods by about 3.96%, 9.29%, and 12.90% for the
Football video with 1s, 1.5s, and 2s segment durations when employing bandwidth trace 1. For both bandwidth traces,
DFT1 outperforms ATS by about 25.31% to 38.71%, UVP by about 2.25% to 4.25%, CTF by about 5.08% to 7.67%, PBA by about 11.16% to 15.42%, and AVR by about 13.37% to 20.07% for the
Football video with a 1.5s segment duration. Figure
7(b) shows that
DFT2 achieves about 5.44% (for 1s), 12.56% (for 1.5s), and 15.98% (for 2s) higher average QoE for
Football video streaming in comparison to other solutions. The increment in quality with the increase in segment duration reflects that
DFT solutions have better prediction accuracy with longer segment duration. Similarly, Figures
7(c) and
7(d) show that
DFT solutions observe the highest visual quality levels for all segment durations since they better accommodate the user’s viewing directions than the other methods. In particular,
DFT1 achieves an average gain of 7.45% (1s), 14.42% (1.5s), and 17.69% (2s) for
Performance video streaming under bandwidth trace 1, while it is increased to 10.34% (1s), 23.20% (1.5s), and 27.23% (2s) for bandwidth trace 2. Viewport mismatch leads to a drop in quality for tile-based streaming methods for longer segment lengths. In
DFT methods, the combination of viewport coverage selection and bitrate selection policies favor the higher-quality perceptibility of the viewing area. For the
Performance video with a 2s segment duration,
DFT2 outperforms fixed tiling-based solutions by about 2.34% to 6.39%, 11.76% to 21.67%, 27.75% to 43.46%, and 23.80% to 35.58% for both bandwidth scenarios. The improved performance of
DFT solutions over CTF and PBA methods is for the reason that they perform a uniform quality allocation for the predictive tiles to favor the higher visual quality levels with a reduced amount of data for the background tiles.
The results of the experiments on the
Surfing, and
VR Interview videos are shown in Figure
8. It can be seen that the
Surfing and
Spotlight videos require higher bitrates for satisfactory quality scores (as seen in Table
3), making it more difficult to achieve a high QoE with limited network connections and high QoE expectations. On the other hand, the
VR Interview video has higher QoE scores due to its smaller average segment sizes and higher viewport overlap. Therefore, factors such as segment size, bandwidth capacity, and viewport prediction significantly impact the streaming performance of 360° videos. For example, when streaming the
Spotlight video with a 2s segment duration, the
DFT1 method achieves average QoE improvements of up to 29.8%, 12.15%, 24.36%, 28.7%, and 30.6% compared to ATS, UVP 8
\(\times\) 6, CTF 8
\(\times\) 6, PBA 6
\(\times\) 4, and AVR 8
\(\times\) 6, respectively (Figure
8(b)). This is because
DFT1 has 14.65% and 12.15% higher average tile overlap than the ATS and UVP methods for the
Spotlight video with a 2s segment duration (Figure
6(c)). The average quality score for the
Surfing video with a 1s segment duration under bandwidth trace 2 (Figure
8(d)) is 64.21% for
DFT1, 61.57% for
DFT2, 37.53% for ATS, 56.45% for UVP 4
\(\times\) 3, 48.79% for CTF 6
\(\times\) 4, 38.9% for PBA 8
\(\times\) 6, and 41.08% for AVR 4
\(\times\) 3. For the
VR Interview video with a 1.5s segment duration,
DFT2 improves the average QoE by up to 20.55% compared to ATS, 3.02% compared to UVP, 9% compared to CTF, 17.61% compared to PBA, and 37.74% compared to AVR for bandwidth trace 2 (Figure
8(f)), while the average improvement for
DFT1 is 25.7%, 5.3%, 13.94%, 23.64%, and 42.3% for all tiling layouts of ATS, UVP, CTF, PBA, and AVR, respectively, for the 2s
VR Interview video (Figure
8(e)). The ATS method performs better than the AVR method in only a few cases for the
Performance and
VR Interview videos. The poor performance of the ATS method is due to its restriction of the quality of background tiles to minimum levels, which leads to lower-quality scores under lower and medium prediction performance. In Figure
8, it can be seen that when simulated with all tiling layouts, segment durations, and bandwidth profiles, the
DFT1 and
DFT2 methods result in QoE for the
Surfing, and
VR Interview videos, with improvements of 16.53%, 15.56%, and 13.62%, respectively. This is because the QoE metric used favors higher visible quality. The lower QoE values for the PBA algorithm are due to its strategy of assigning different priorities to tiles within the viewport zones (Z_1 and Z_2) and lead to poor user-perceived quality and visual smoothness. The AVR method, meanwhile, performs poorly even under stable head movements because it unnecessarily increases the quality of adjacent tiles. In general, the
DFT1 and
DFT2 solutions lead to average QoE improvements of 9.70% to 10.56% for the
Football, 16.33% to 16.72% for the
Performance, 15.08% to 18% for the
Spotlight, 14.33% to 16.79% for the
Surfing, and 13.45% to 13.79% for the
VR Interview videos compared to other solutions.