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LightF3: A Lightweight Fully-Process Formal Framework for Automated Verifying Railway Interlocking Systems

Published: 30 November 2023 Publication History


Interlocking has long played a crucial role in railway systems. Its functional correctness, particularly concerning safety, forms the foundation of the entire signaling system. To date, numerous efforts have been made to formally model and verify interlocking systems. However, two main problems persist in most prior work: (1) The formal description of the interlocking system heavily depends on reusing existing models, which often results in overgeneralization and failing to fully utilize the intrinsic characteristics of interlocking systems. (2) The verification techniques of current approaches may quickly become outdated, and there is no adaptable method to integrate state-of-the-art verification algorithms or tools.
To address the above issues, we present LightF3, a lightweight and fully-process formal framework for modeling and verifying railway interlocking systems. LightF3 provides RIS-FL, a formal language based on FQLTL (a variant of LTL) to model the system and its specifications. LightF3 transforms the RIS-FL model automatically to the aiger model, which is the mainstream input of state-of-the-art model checkers, and then invokes the most advanced checkers to complete the verification task. We evaluated LightF3 by testing five real station instances from our industrial partner, demonstrating its effectiveness as a new framework. Additionally, we analyzed the statistics of the verification results from different model-checking techniques, providing useful conclusions for both the railway interlocking and formal methods communities.


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Index Terms

  1. LightF3: A Lightweight Fully-Process Formal Framework for Automated Verifying Railway Interlocking Systems



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    ESEC/FSE 2023: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    November 2023
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    Published: 30 November 2023


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