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Demystifying the QoS and QoE of Edge-hosted Video Streaming Applications in the Wild with SNESet

Published: 12 December 2023 Publication History


Video streaming applications (VSAs) are increasingly being deployed on large-scale edge platforms, which have the potential to significantly improve the quality of service (QoS) and end-user experience (QoE), ultimately maximizing business outcomes. However, there is currently very little understanding of how QoS, QoE, and the impact of QoS on QoE for VSAs on edge platforms in the wild and at scale. To close the knowledge gap, we collect SNESet, an active measurement dataset comprising QoS and QoE telemetry metrics of 8 VSAs over four months, covering end-users from 798 edge sites,30 cities, and 3 ISPs in one country.We characterize and compare the QoS and QoE metrics in SNESet with existing publicly available datasets, highlighting that SNESet includes a significantly greater number of metrics (horizontal diversity and vertical hierarchy) and provides more comprehensive coverage of specific metrics.Moreover, we qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the impact of QoS on QoE in both domain-general and domain-specific scenarios. Our findings can inform the system design decisions that different entities in the video ecosystem (content providers, video player designers, third-party optimizers, edge vendors) make to maximize end-users experience and ultimately maximize the business outcomes. We hope SNESet can attract more research efforts in the data management community, computer network community, and beyond.


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