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Causality-Aware Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Networks for Spatiotemporal Time Series Imputation

Published: 21 October 2024 Publication History


Spatiotemporal time series are usually collected via monitoring sensors placed at different locations, which usually contain missing values due to various failures, such as mechanical damages and Internet outages. Imputing the missing values is crucial for analyzing time series. When recovering a specific data point, most existing methods consider all the information relevant to that point regardless of the cause-and-effect relationship. During data collection, it is inevitable that some unknown confounders are included, e.g., background noise in time series and non-causal shortcut edges in the constructed sensor network. These confounders could open backdoor paths and establish non-causal correlations between the input and output. Over-exploiting these non-causal correlations could cause overfitting. In this paper, we first revisit spatiotemporal time series imputation from a causal perspective and show how to block the confounders via the frontdoor adjustment. Based on the results of frontdoor adjustment, we introduce a novel <u>C</u>ausality-<u>A</u>ware <u>Sp</u>atiot<u>e</u>mpo<u>r</u>al Graph Neural Network (Casper), which contains a novel Prompt Based Decoder (PBD) and a Spatiotemporal Causal Attention (SCA). PBD could reduce the impact of confounders and SCA could discover the sparse causal relationships among embeddings. Theoretical analysis reveals that SCA discovers causal relationships based on the values of gradients. We evaluate Casper on three real-world datasets, and the experimental results show that Casper could outperform the baselines and could effectively discover the causal relationships.


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  1. Causality-Aware Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Networks for Spatiotemporal Time Series Imputation



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