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Designing the Conversational Agent: Asking Follow-up Questions for Information Elicitation

Published: 26 April 2024 Publication History


Conversational Agents (CAs) can facilitate information elicitation in various scenarios, such as semi-structured interviews. Current CAs can ask predetermined questions but lack skills for asking follow-up questions. Thus, we designed three approaches for CAs to automatically ask follow-up questions, i.e., follow-ups on concepts, follow-ups on related concepts, and general follow-ups. To investigate their effects, we conducted a user study (N=26) in which a CA interviewer asked follow-up questions generated by algorithms and crafted by human wizards. Our results showed that the CA's follow-up questions were readable and effective in information elicitation. The follow-ups on concepts and related concepts achieved a lower drop rate and better relevance, while the general follow-ups elicited more informative responses. Further qualitative analysis of the human-CA interview data revealed algorithm drawbacks and identified follow-up question techniques used by the human wizards. We provided design implications for improving information elicitation of future CAs based on the results.

Supplemental Material

ZIP File
raw_data_Chinese.xlsx The conversation log data between the CA and the 26 participants in the study, as well as their ratings for the CA's follow-up questions.


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    • (2024)Functional Now, Wearable Later: Examining the Design Practices of Wearable TechnologistsProceedings of the 2024 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers10.1145/3675095.3676615(71-81)Online publication date: 5-Oct-2024
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