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10.1145/3649153.3649191acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescfConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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A Unified CPU-GPU Protocol for GNN Training

Published: 02 July 2024 Publication History


Training a Graph Neural Network (GNN) model on large-scale graphs involves a high volume of data communication and computations. While state-of-the-art CPUs and GPUs feature high computing power, the Standard GNN training protocol adopted in existing GNN frameworks cannot efficiently utilize the platform resources. To this end, we propose a novel Unified CPU-GPU protocol that can improve the resource utilization of GNN training on a CPU-GPU platform. The Unified CPU-GPU protocol instantiates multiple GNN training processes in parallel on both the CPU and the GPU. By allocating training processes on the CPU to perform GNN training collaboratively with the GPU, the proposed protocol improves the platform resource utilization and reduces the CPU-GPU data transfer overhead. Since the performance of a CPU and a GPU varies, we develop a novel load balancer that balances the workload dynamically between CPUs and GPUs during runtime. We evaluate our protocol using two representative GNN sampling algorithms, with two widely-used GNN models, on three datasets. Compared with the Standard training protocol adopted in the state-of-the-art GNN frameworks, our protocol effectively improves resource utilization and improves the overall training time. On a platform where the GPU moderately outperforms the CPU, our protocol speeds up GNN training by up to 1.41×. On a platform where the GPU significantly outperforms the CPU, our protocol speeds up GNN training by up to 1.26×. Our protocol is open-sourced and can be seamlessly integrated into state-of-the-art GNN frameworks and accelerate GNN training. Our protocol particularly benefits those with limited GPU access due to its high demand.


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  1. A Unified CPU-GPU Protocol for GNN Training



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    CF '24: Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers
    May 2024
    345 pages
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