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Becoming Q: Using Design Workshops to Explore Everyday Objects as Interaction Devices for an Augmented Reality Spy Game

Published: 07 October 2024 Publication History


The work in this paper extends state of the art research in the field of interaction design for everyday objects as interaction devices in Augmented Reality (AR), by taking a user defined approach to explore how users understand everyday objects as interaction devices in an AR game. A survey (n = 16) and workshop (n = 10) were conducted with members of the general public. The survey asked participants to select several everyday objects from their day to day life, answer questions regarding the object’s normal function, to think of and consider what the object could do if it was a spy gadget. The workshop followed up on this survey, participants were asked to bring their selected objects along, and during the workshop participants considered the objects they and other participants brought to collaboratively create new ideas about how these objects could be used if they were spy gadgets. The workshops were recorded and reviewed using reflexive thematic analysis, identifying four themes for interaction designers in this space to consider: ‘what players look for in objects’, ‘how players want to use objects’, ‘what players want their objects to be capable of in game’ and ‘concerns players have about object use’.


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  1. Becoming Q: Using Design Workshops to Explore Everyday Objects as Interaction Devices for an Augmented Reality Spy Game



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image ACM Conferences
        SUI '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction
        October 2024
        396 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Published: 07 October 2024

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        1. Augmented Reality
        2. Everyday Objects
        3. Games
        4. Interaction Design
        5. Participatory Design
        6. Thematic Analysis


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        SUI '24

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