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View all- Jin XWillenborg RZhao YSun CHe LChen ZChen YWang Q(2009)Reinventing virtual appliancesIBM Journal of Research and Development10.5555/1850659.185066653:4(572-586)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2009
The paper presents the role of Autopilots in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and the process of their configuration before flying can occur. The common autopilot architecture, emphasising the control module, is given shortly and the functionality of the ...
One of the major investments of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Next Generation Air Transportation (NextGen) program is in Four-Dimensional (4D) Trajectory Based Operations (TBO). The heart of 4D TBO is the autopilot capability on any ...
In this paper, we describe a miniature flight platform weighing less than 700 grams and capable of waypoint navigation, trajectory tracking, precise hovering and automatic takeoff and landing. In an effort to make advanced autonomous behaviors available ...
IBM Corp.
United States