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Enhanced Connectivity Validity Measure Based on Outlier Detection for Multi-Objective Metaheuristic Data Clustering Algorithms

Published: 01 January 2022 Publication History


Data clustering algorithms experience challenges in identifying data points that are either noise or outlier. Hence, this paper proposes an enhanced connectivity measure based on the outlier detection approach for multi-objective data clustering problems. The proposed algorithm aims to improve the quality of the solution by utilising the local outlier factor method (LOF) with the connectivity validity measure. This modification is applied to select the neighbour data point’s mechanism that can be modified to eliminate such outliers. The performance of the proposed approach is assessed by applying the multi-objective algorithms to eight real-life and seven synthetic two-dimensional datasets. The external validity is evaluated using the F-measure, while the performance assessment matrices are employed to assess the quality of Pareto-optimal sets like the coverage and overall non-dominant vector generation. Our experimental results proved that the proposed outlier detection method has enhanced the performance of the multi-objective data clustering algorithms.


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