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Social Interaction in Hunter-Gatherer Societies: Simulating the Consequences of Cooperation and Social Aggregation

Published: 01 June 2014 Publication History


This article describes the design and operation of an agent-based model that represents aspects of hunter-gatherer subsistence, technology, and cultural identity. The agents (representing families or households) in the model interact in a world that has a seasonally variable resource density. Agents must collect resources every step, either independently (by â gatheringâ ) or with cooperation from neighboring agents (â huntingâ ). Several parameters affect cooperation: understanding these effects is one of the main focus of this article. Another focus is understanding the effects of cooperation in terms of cultural diversity/homogeneity. Some input parameters are historically and ethnographically calibrated, and the results are contrasted, with ongoing archaeological research of Patagonian hunter-gatherers (from 7000 BC or even earlier to 19th century). Specific research questions include how do processes of convergence and divergence occur between groups of hunter-gatherers over the long term__ __ How could the autonomous local interactions of heterogeneous bounded rational agents generate this kind of regularity__ __ What role outside influence plays on the formation of ethnic identities__ __ Our aim is to integrate the state-of-the-art knowledge from different social sciences and technological developments into a fruitful approach to develop sociohistorical studies


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Social Science Computer Review
Social Science Computer Review  Volume 32, Issue 3
June 2014
162 pages


Sage Publications, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2014

Author Tags

  1. agent-based models
  2. collective tasks
  3. cultural consensus
  4. cultural diversity
  5. ethnicity
  6. group formation
  7. hunter-gatherer


  • Research-article


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  • (2022)Human Values in Software Engineering: Contrasting Case Studies of PracticeIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering10.1109/TSE.2020.303880248:5(1818-1833)Online publication date: 1-May-2022
  • (2020)Society-oriented applications developmentProceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society10.1145/3377815.3381382(53-62)Online publication date: 27-Jun-2020
  • (2020)A study on the prevalence of human values in software engineering publications, 2015 -- 2018Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering10.1145/3377811.3380393(409-420)Online publication date: 27-Jun-2020

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