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Collaborative visualization: definition, challenges, and research agenda

Published: 01 October 2011 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    The conflux of two growing areas of technology - collaboration and visualization - into a new research direction, coLLaborative visualization, provides new research chaLLenges. TechnoLogy now aLLows us to easily connect and collaborate with one another - in settings as diverse as over networked computers, across mobile devices, or using shared displays such as interactive waLLs and tabletop surfaces. Digital information is now reguLarLy accessed by muLtipLe people in order to share information, to view it together, to analyze it, orto form decisions. VisuaLizations are used to deal more effectively with Large amounts of information white interactive visuaLizations aLLow users to expLore the underlying data. White researchers face many chaLLenges in coLLaboration and in visualization, the emergence of coLLaborative visualization poses additional chaLLenges, but it is also an exciting opportunity to reach new audiences and applications for visualization tooLs and techniques.] to provide a definition, clear scope, and overview of the evolving field of coLLaborative visualization, (2) to help pinpoint the unique focus of coLLaborative visualization with its specific aspects, chaLLenges, and requirements within the intersection of generaL computer-supported cooperative work and visualization research, and (3) to draw attention to important future research questions to be addressed by the community. We conclude by discussing a research agenda for future work on coLLaborative visualization and urge for a new generation of visuaLization toots that are designed with coLLaboration in mind from their very inception.


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      Published In

      cover image Information Visualization
      Information Visualization  Volume 10, Issue 4
      Special issue on State of the Field and New Research Directions
      October 2011
      103 pages


      Palgrave Macmillan

      Publication History

      Published: 01 October 2011

      Author Tags

      1. collaboration
      2. computer-supported cooperative work
      3. teamwork
      4. visualization


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