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Pangolin: an efficient and flexible graph mining system on CPU and GPU

Published: 01 April 2020 Publication History


There is growing interest in graph pattern mining (GPM) problems such as motif counting. GPM systems have been developed to provide unified interfaces for programming algorithms for these problems and for running them on parallel systems. However, existing systems may take hours to mine even simple patterns in moderate-sized graphs, which significantly limits their real-world usability.
We present Pangolin, an efficient and flexible in-memory GPM framework targeting shared-memory CPUs and GPUs. Pangolin is the first GPM system that provides high-level abstractions for GPU processing. It provides a simple programming interface based on the extend-reduce-filter model, which allows users to specify application specific knowledge for search space pruning and isomorphism test elimination. We describe novel optimizations that exploit locality, reduce memory consumption, and mitigate the overheads of dynamic memory allocation and synchronization.
Evaluation on a 28-core CPU demonstrates that Pangolin outperforms existing GPM frameworks Arabesque, RStream, and Fractal by 49×, 88×, and 80× on average, respectively. Acceleration on a V100 GPU further improves performance of Pangolin by 15× on average. Compared to state-of-the-art hand-optimized GPM applications, Pangolin provides competitive performance with less programming effort.


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Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 13, Issue 8
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Published: 01 April 2020
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