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This memorandum describes RTP, the real-time transport protocol. RTP provides end-to-end network transport functions suitable for applications transmitting real-time data, such as audio, video or simulation data, over multicast or unicast network services. RTP does not address resource reservation and does not guarantee quality-of-service for real-time services. The data transport is augmented by a control protocol (RTCP) to allow monitoring of the data delivery in a manner scalable to large multicast networks, and to provide minimal control and identification functionality. RTP and RTCP are designed to be independent of the underlying transport and network layers. The protocol supports the use of RTP-level translators and mixers.

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Cited By

  1. Michel F and Bonaventure O (2024). QUIRL: Flexible QUIC Loss Recovery for Low Latency Applications, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 32:6, (5204-5215), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2024.
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    Yu P, Wang Y, Li M, Du J and Diaz R RMTS: A Real-time Media Transport Stack Based on Commercial Off-the-shelf Hardware Proceedings of the 2nd Mile-High Video Conference, (39-45)
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    Sharabayko M and Sharabayko M Live Streaming using SRT with QUIC Datagrams Proceedings of the 2nd Mile-High Video Conference, (21-26)
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    Karamollahi M, Williamson C and Arlitt M Packet-Level Analysis of Zoom Performance Anomalies Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, (221-232)
  9. Michel F, Cohen A, Malak D, De Coninck Q, Médard M and Bonaventure O (2023). FlEC: Enhancing QUIC With Application-Tailored Reliability Mechanisms, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 31:2, (606-619), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2023.
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  11. ACM
    Michel O, Sengupta S, Kim H, Netravali R and Rexford J Enabling passive measurement of zoom performance in production networks Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference, (244-260)
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  14. ACM
    Engelbart M and Ott J Congestion control for real-time media over QUIC Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on Evolution, Performance and Interoperability of QUIC, (1-7)
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    Rico D, Gallardo M and Merino P Modeling and verification of the Multi-connection Tactile Internet Protocol Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks, (105-114)
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  18. Al-Saadi R, Armitage G, But J and Branch P (2019). A Survey of Delay-Based and Hybrid TCP Congestion Control Algorithms, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 21:4, (3609-3638), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2019.
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  24. Zhang Q, Gong H, Zhang X, Liang C and Tan Y (2019). A sensitive network jitter measurement for covert timing channels over interactive traffic, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78:3, (3493-3509), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2019.
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  27. Hsieh W and Leu J (2018). Implementing a secure VoIP communication over SIP-based networks, Wireless Networks, 24:8, (2915-2926), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2018.
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  32. Yoneyama K, Yoshida R, Kawahara Y, Kobayashi T, Fuji H and Yamamoto T (2018). Multi-cast key distribution, International Journal of Information Security, 17:5, (513-532), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2018.
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  34. Bauer J and Knieps G (2018). Complementary innovation and network neutrality, Telecommunications Policy, 42:2, (172-183), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2018.
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  45. Guo J, Hu G, Xu W and Huang L (2017). Hierarchical content importance-based video quality assessment for HEVC encoded videos transmitted over LTE networks, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 43:C, (50-60), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2017.
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  47. Yoneyama K, Yoshida R, Kawahara Y, Kobayashi T, Fuji H and Yamamoto T Multi-cast Key Distribution Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Provable Security - Volume 10005, (207-226)
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    Mekuria R, Fennema J and Griffioen D Multi-Protocol Video Delivery with Late Trans-Muxing Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia, (92-96)
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    McQuistin S, Perkins C and Fayed M Implementing Real-Time Transport Services over an Ossified Network Proceedings of the 2016 Applied Networking Research Workshop, (81-87)
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    Carlucci G, De Cicco L, Holmer S and Mascolo S Making Google Congestion Control robust over Wi-Fi networks using packet grouping Proceedings of the 2016 Applied Networking Research Workshop, (74-80)
  52. ACM
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  54. Almadani B, Saeed B and Alroubaiy A (2016). Healthcare systems integration using Real Time Publish Subscribe (RTPS) middleware, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 50:C, (67-78), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2016.
  55. ACM
    Kateja R, Baranasuriya N, Navda V and Padmanabhan V DiversiFi Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies, (1-13)
  56. Janicki A, Mazurczyk W and Szczypiorski K (2015). On the undetectability of transcoding steganography, Security and Communication Networks, 8:18, (3804-3814), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2015.
  57. Weitl F, Sebih N, Artho C, Hagiya M, Tanabe Y, Yamagata Y and Yamamoto M Cardinality of UDP Transmission Outcomes Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications - Volume 9409, (120-134)
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  63. Alves M, Matias R and de Freitas Filho P Modeling and simulation applied to capacity planning of voice gateways Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, (3143-3154)
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    Vetter M and Willrich R System of Quality monitoring for IP Telephony Services Proceedings of the 20th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, (239-246)
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    Amirante A, Castaldi T, Miniero L and Romano S Janus Proceedings of the Conference on Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications, (1-8)
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    Herrero R and Cadirola M Effect of FEC mechanisms in the performance of low bit rate codecs in lossy mobile environments Proceedings of the Conference on Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications, (1-6)
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    Luque F, Galloso I, Feijoo C, Martín C and Cisneros G (2014). Integration of Multisensorial Stimuli and Multimodal Interaction in a Hybrid 3DTV System, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 11:1s, (1-22), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2014.
  68. Ellis M, Pezaros D, Kypraios T and Perkins C (2014). A two-level Markov model for packet loss in UDP/IP-based real-time video applications targeting residential users, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 70, (384-399), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2014.
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  71. ACM
    Nagy M, Singh V, Ott J and Eggert L Congestion control using FEC for conversational multimedia communication Proceedings of the 5th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, (191-202)
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  74. ACM
    Li L, Chou W, Cai T, Wang Z and Qiu Z Mirror Presence Proceedings of International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, (523-531)
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    Boudko S and Leister W Network Selection for Multicast Groups in Heterogeneous Wireless Environments Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia, (167-176)
  76. Ha J, Yu J, Kim B and Kim H (2013). On UDP continuity over vertical handovers, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 57:17, (3563-3580), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2013.
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    Mazurczyk W (2013). VoIP steganography and its Detection—A survey, ACM Computing Surveys, 46:2, (1-21), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2013.
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    Montagud M, Boronat F and Stokking H Early event-driven (EED) RTCP feedback for rapid IDMS Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, (323-332)
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    Marx R, Kuntze N and Lauer H Bringing VoIP Signatures to Mobile Devices Proceedings of Principles, Systems and Applications on IP Telecommunications, (1-7)
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    Strowes S (2013). Passively measuring TCP round-trip times, Communications of the ACM, 56:10, (57-64), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2013.
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    Li B, Wang Z, Liu J and Zhu W (2013). Two decades of internet video streaming, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 9:1s, (1-20), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2013.
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    De Cicco L, Carlucci G and Mascolo S Experimental investigation of the google congestion control for real-time flows Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Future human-centric multimedia networking, (21-26)
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    Strowes S (2013). Passively Measuring TCP Round-trip Times, Queue, 11:8, (50-61), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2013.
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    Kärkkäinen T, Pitkänen M and Ott J (2013). Enabling ad-hoc-style communication in public WLAN hot-spots, ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 17:1, (4-13), Online publication date: 12-Jul-2013.
  85. ACM
    Xu Q, Mehrotra S, Mao Z and Li J PROTEUS Proceeding of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services, (347-360)
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    Carvalho L and Mota E (2013). Survey on application-layer mechanisms for speech quality adaptation in VoIP, ACM Computing Surveys, 45:3, (1-31), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2013.
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    Singh V, Ahsan S and Ott J MPRTP Proceedings of the 4th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, (190-201)
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    Huang C, Hsu C, Chang Y and Chen K GamingAnywhere Proceedings of the 4th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, (36-47)
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    Shirazipour M, Charlot G, Lefebvre G, Krishnan S and Pierre S ConEx based QoE feedback to enhance QoE Proceedings of the 2012 ACM workshop on Capacity sharing, (27-32)
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    Xu Y, Yu C, Li J and Liu Y Video telephony for end-consumers Proceedings of the 2012 Internet Measurement Conference, (371-384)
  91. Dolezal J and Kencl L Improving QoE of SIP-based automated voice interaction in mobile networks Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Network and Service Management, (329-335)
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    Kalogridis G and Haines R A transient reliability model of RTP video streaming over WLAN Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and measurement of heterogeneous wireless and wired networks, (149-158)
  93. ACM
    Kärkkäinen T, Pitkänen M and Ott J Enabling ad-hoc-style communication in public WLAN hot-spots Proceedings of the seventh ACM international workshop on Challenged networks, (31-38)
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    Chauhan J and Makaroff D Performance evaluation of video-on-demand in virtualized environments Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing Date, (29-36)
  95. Islam S and Grégoire J (2012). Giving users an edge, Future Generation Computer Systems, 28:6, (823-832), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2012.
  96. Nowlan M, Tiwari N, Iyengar J, Aminy S and Fordy B Fitting square pegs through round pipes Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, (28-28)
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    Havey D, Chertov R and Almeroth K Receiver driven rate adaptation for wireless multimedia applications Proceedings of the 3rd Multimedia Systems Conference, (155-166)
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    Eberhard M, Palo A, Kumar A, Petrocco R, Mapelli L and Uitto M NextSharePC Proceedings of the 3rd Multimedia Systems Conference, (101-106)
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  110. Zhang G and Fischer-Hübner S Detecting near-duplicate SPITs in voice mailboxes using hashes Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Information security, (152-167)
  111. Groenendijk J, Huang Y and Fallon L Adaptive terminal reporting for scalable service quality monitoring in large networks Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Network and Services Management, (427-431)
  112. Kraemer F Engineering android applications based on UML activities Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Model driven engineering languages and systems, (183-197)
  113. VIel C, Melo E, Trevelin L and Teixeira C RV-MTV: Framework for Multimodal Interactivity with Virtual Reality Applications in Digital TV and Mobile Devices Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web on Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web - Volume 1, (26-33)
  114. Bessa A, Celestino Junior J, Castro e Silva J and Cardoso A An Extension to the OLSR Protocol for Routing Data in Real Time using Multiple Paths Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web on Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web - Volume 1, (82-88)
  115. Jarnikov D and Doumen J Watermarking for adaptive streaming protocols Proceedings of the 8th VLDB international conference on Secure data management, (101-113)
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    Globisch R, Singh V, Wiegand T and Schierl T Architecture for asymmetric P2P group communication Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications, (1-6)
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  135. ACM
    Floroiu J and Sisalem D A comparative analysis of the security aspects of the multimedia key exchange protocols Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications, (1-10)
  136. Usach P, Sastre J and López J Variable frame rate and GOP size H.264 rate control for mobile communications Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international conference on Multimedia and Expo, (1768-1771)
  137. ACM
    Repplinger M, Löffler A, Schug B and Slusallek P Extending X3D for distributed multimedia processing and control Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, (61-69)
  138. ACM
    Kondrad L, Bouazizi I and Gabbouj M Seamless handover for mobile TV over DVB-H applications Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, (181-184)
  139. ACM
    Andersson K, Elkotob M and Åhlund C A new MIP-SIP interworking scheme Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, (117-120)
  140. ACM
    Guida M, Longo M and Postiglione F Reliability and survivability methodologies for next generation networks Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, (326-331)
  141. ACM
    Peltotalo J, Harju J, Saukko M, Väätämöinen L, Bouazizi I and Curcio I Personal mobile broadcasting based on the 3GPP MBMS system Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, (156-162)
  142. Aguirre J, Álvarez R, Tortosa L and Vicent J Incorporating global positioning data in real time P2P audio/video streams for mobile devices Proceedings of the 8th conference on Applied computer scince, (430-435)
  143. Tulu B and Chatterjee S (2008). Internet-based telemedicine, Decision Support Systems, 45:4, (681-696), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2008.
  144. ACM
    Costa D and Fialho S MovMedia Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, (107-114)
  145. ACM
    Deshpande S High quality video streaming using content-awareadaptive frame scheduling with explicit deadlineadjustment Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia, (777-780)
  146. ACM
    Cheng B, Stein L, Jin H, Liao X and Zhang Z (2008). GridCast, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 4:4, (1-31), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2008.
  147. ACM
    Shao M, Zhu S, Cao G, La Porta T and Mohapatra P A cross-layer dropping attack in video streaming over ad hoc networks Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Security and privacy in communication netowrks, (1-8)
  148. ACM
    Chen W An example of WiMAX application deployment in campus environments Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems, (1-4)
  149. ACM
    Wang J and Wu Q Porting VoIP applications to DCCP Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems, (1-6)
  150. Hsu H, Sun Y and Chen M A Collaborative Forensics Framework for VoIP Services in Multi-network Environments Proceedings of the IEEE ISI 2008 PAISI, PACCF, and SOCO international workshops on Intelligence and Security Informatics, (260-271)
  151. ACM
    Brosh E, Baset S, Rubenstein D and Schulzrinne H (2008). The delay-friendliness of TCP, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 36:1, (49-60), Online publication date: 12-Jun-2008.
  152. ACM
    Brosh E, Baset S, Rubenstein D and Schulzrinne H The delay-friendliness of TCP Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems, (49-60)
  153. ACM
    De Cicco L, Mascolo S and Palmisano V Skype video responsiveness to bandwidth variations Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, (81-86)
  154. ACM
    Ferretti S, Roccetti M and Strozzi F On developing tangible interfaces for video streaming control Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, (51-56)
  155. ACM
    Ardelean D, Blanton E and Martynov M Remote active queue management Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, (21-26)
  156. Rikitake K, Nakao K, Shimojo S and Nogawa H (2008). UDP Large-Payload Capability Detection for DNSSEC, IEICE - Transactions on Information and Systems, E91-D:5, (1261-1273), Online publication date: 1-May-2008.
  157. ACM
    Cheng B, Stein L, Jin H and Zhang Z (2008). Towards cinematic internet video-on-demand, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 42:4, (109-122), Online publication date: 25-Apr-2008.
  158. ACM
    Ahmed M and Mansor A CPU dimensioning on performance of Asterisk VoIP PBX Proceedings of the 11th communications and networking simulation symposium, (139-146)
  159. ACM
    Cheng B, Stein L, Jin H and Zhang Z Towards cinematic internet video-on-demand Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Conference on Computer Systems 2008, (109-122)
  160. Exposito E, Van Wambeke N, Chassot C and Drira K (2008). Introducing a cross-layer interpreter for multimedia streams, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 52:6, (1125-1141), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2008.
  161. Pentikousis K, Piri E, Pinola J, Fitzek F, Nissilä T and Harjula I Empirical evaluation of VoIP aggregation over a fixed WiMAX testbed Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Testbeds and research infrastructures for the development of networks & communities, (1-10)
  162. Bouras C, Gkamas A and Kioumourtzis G Extending the functionality of RTP/RTCP implementation in network simulator (NS-2) to support TCP friendly congestion control Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Simulation tools and techniques for communications, networks and systems & workshops, (1-6)
  163. Bouix E, Roose P and Dalmau M The Korrontea data modeling Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Ambient media and systems, (1-10)
  164. ACM
    Vaidya B, Ko N, Jarng S and Han S Investigating voice communication over multipath wireless mobile ad hoc network Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Ubiquitous information management and communication, (528-532)
  165. Agueh M, Diouris J, Diop M, Devaux F, De Vleeschouwer C and Macq B (2008). Optimal JPWL forward error correction rate allocation for robust JPEG 2000 images and video streaming over mobile ad hoc networks, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008, (1-13), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2008.
  166. ACM
    Ott J and Xiaojun L Disconnection tolerance for SIP-based real-time media sessions Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia, (14-23)
  167. ACM
    Andersson K, Granlund D and Åhlund C M: multimedia mobility manager Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia, (6-13)
  168. ACM
    Boyaci O and Schulzrinne H Application and desktop sharing Proceedings of the 2007 ACM CoNEXT conference, (1-2)
  169. ACM
    Riga N, Matta I, Medina A, Partridge C and Redi J An energy-conscious transport protocol for multi-hop wireless networks Proceedings of the 2007 ACM CoNEXT conference, (1-12)
  170. Xu L and Helzer J (2007). Media streaming via TFRC, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 51:17, (4744-4764), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2007.
  171. ACM
    Jelassi S and Youssef H Evom Proceedings of the 10th ACM Symposium on Modeling, analysis, and simulation of wireless and mobile systems, (169-172)
  172. Petrovic G, Farin D and de With P A distributed delivery model for 3D-video streams Proceedings of the First International Conference on Immersive Telecommunications, (1-6)
  173. ACM
    Ford B (2007). Structured streams, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 37:4, (361-372), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2007.
  174. ACM
    Sommers J, Barford P, Duffield N and Ron A (2007). Accurate and efficient SLA compliance monitoring, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 37:4, (109-120), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2007.
  175. ACM
    Bonfiglio D, Mellia M, Meo M, Rossi D and Tofanelli P (2007). Revealing skype traffic, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 37:4, (37-48), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2007.
  176. ACM
    Choe Y, Schuff D, Dyaberi J and Pai V Improving VoD server efficiency with bittorrent Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Multimedia, (117-126)
  177. Jorissen P, Di Fiore F, Vansichem G and Lamotte W A virtual interactive community platform supporting education for long-term sick children Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering, (58-69)
  178. Camarda P, Striccoli D and Ragno M A bandwidth dependent smoothing algorithm for interactive video streaming in UMTS systems Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Mobile multimedia communications, (1-6)
  179. Agueh M, Diouris J, Diop M and Devaux F Dynamic channel coding for efficient motion JPEG2000 video streaming over mobile ad-hoc networks Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Mobile multimedia communications, (1-6)
  180. ACM
    Ford B Structured streams Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications, (361-372)
  181. ACM
    Sommers J, Barford P, Duffield N and Ron A Accurate and efficient SLA compliance monitoring Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications, (109-120)
  182. ACM
    Bonfiglio D, Mellia M, Meo M, Rossi D and Tofanelli P Revealing skype traffic Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications, (37-48)
  183. ACM
    Wu C, Yang M and Hwang K Fast-handoff schemes for inter-subnet handoffin IEEE 802.11 WLANs for SIP/RTP applications Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Wireless communications and mobile computing, (146-151)
  184. Kim J, Lee H, Ryu W, Han S and Hahn M Performance analysis of perceptual speech quality and modules design for management over IP network Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human-computer interaction: intelligent multimodal interaction environments, (84-93)
  185. Kim J, Hahn M and Lee H Smart softphone device for the network quality parameters discovery and measurement Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: ambient interaction, (898-907)
  186. ACM
    Latry F, Mercadal J and Consel C Staging telephony service creation Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Principles, systems and applications of IP telecommunications, (99-110)
  187. van der Stok P, Jarnikov D, Kozlov S, van Hartskamp M and Lukkien J (2007). Hierarchical resource allocation for robust in-home video streaming, Journal of Systems and Software, 80:7, (951-961), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2007.
  188. Joung J, Song J and Lee S Delay bounds in tree networks with DiffServ architecture Proceedings of the 20th international teletraffic conference on Managing traffic performance in converged networks, (533-543)
  189. Di Fiore F, Jorissen P, Vansichem G and Van Reeth F A 3D virtual learning environment to foster communication for long term ill children Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Technologies for e-learning and digital entertainment, (92-103)
  190. ACM
    Bouillot N nJam user experiments Proceedings of the 7th international conference on New interfaces for musical expression, (142-147)
  191. ACM
    Aguirre J, Álvarez R and Zamora A Secure mobile P2P videoconferencing protocol Proceedings of the 2007 Euro American conference on Telematics and information systems, (1-4)
  192. Birke R, Mellia M, Petracca M and Rossi D Understanding VoIP from Backbone Measurements Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 2007 - 26th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, (2027-2035)
  193. Essa O and Mastorakis N Sensitive UDP/IP for real-time multimedia applications and protocols Proceedings of the 6th Conference on WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science - Volume 6, (483-488)
  194. Khlifi H and Grégoire J (2007). ARTP, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 51:6, (1601-1615), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
  195. Wang L, Massey D and Zhang L (2007). Persistent detection and recovery of state inconsistencies, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 51:6, (1444-1458), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
  196. ACM
    Sparks R (2007). SIP: Basics and Beyond, Queue, 5:2, (22-33), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  197. Borri M, Ferrarini A and Merani M RTP-Primal Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, (3752-3757)
  198. Montavont J, Ivov E and Noel T Analysis of Mobile IPv6 Handover Optimizations and Their Impact on Real-Time Communication Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, (3244-3249)
  199. Sharma P, Lee S, Brassil J and Shin K (2007). Aggregating Bandwidth for Multihomed Mobile Collaborative Communities, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 6:3, (280-296), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  200. Lu M, Yao J and Chen H (2007). A complexity-aware video adaptation mechanism for live streaming systems, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2007:1, (215-215), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
  201. Bucciol P, Masala E, Filippi E and De Martin J (2007). Cross-layer perceptual ARQ for video communications over 802.11e wireless networks, Advances in Multimedia, 2007:1, (1-1), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
  202. Saint-Andre P (2007). Jingle, IEEE MultiMedia, 14:1, (90-94), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
  203. ACM
    Vilei A, Convertino G and Crudo F A new UPnP architecture for distributed video voice over IP Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia, (2-es)
  204. Bose A, El Gendy M and Shin K (2006). Sapphire, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 17:12, (1512-1525), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2006.
  205. Puongmanee M, Elz R, Kamolphiwong S, Kamolphiwong T, Jantaraprim C and Angchuan T NAT-PT with multicast Proceedings of the Second Asian international conference on Technologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks, (90-102)
  206. Park N and Hwang C (2006). Effective I/O scheme based on RTP for multimedia communication systems, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 21:6, (989-996), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2006.
  207. ACM
    Guo L, Tan E, Chen S, Xiao Z, Spatscheck O and Zhang X Delving into internet streaming media delivery Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, (217-230)
  208. ACM
    Bombieri N, Fummi F and Quaglia D TLM/network design space exploration for networked embedded systems Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Hardware/software codesign and system synthesis, (58-63)
  209. ACM
    Dujovne D and Turletti T Multicast in 802.11 WLANs Proceedings of the 9th ACM international symposium on Modeling analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems, (130-138)
  210. ACM
    Stuedi P, Frei A, Burdet L and Alonso G SymPhone Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Wireless mobile applications and services on WLAN hotspots, (63-70)
  211. ACM
    Convertino G and Oliva S Adaptive FEC for 802.11 burst losses reduction Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Mobile multimedia communications, (1-5)
  212. ACM
    Kohler E, Handley M and Floyd S Designing DCCP Proceedings of the 2006 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications, (27-38)
  213. ACM
    Kohler E, Handley M and Floyd S (2006). Designing DCCP, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 36:4, (27-38), Online publication date: 11-Aug-2006.
  214. Delaney D, Ward T and McLoone S (2006). On Consistency and Network Latency in Distributed Interactive Applications: A Survey—Part II, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15:4, (465-482), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2006.
  215. El Al A, Saadawi T and Lee M A Cross-Layer Optimized Error Recovery Mechanism for Real-Time Videoin Ad-Hoc Networks Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems - Volume 2, (77-82)
  216. ACM
    Kitahara R, Ueno H, Suzuki H, Ishikawa N, Komura T, Fujikawa K and Takagi H MAPT Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Wireless communications and mobile computing, (785-790)
  217. Kim H and Lee J Variable step fluid simulation for communication network Proceedings of the 5th international IFIP-TC6 conference on Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications Systems, (87-97)
  218. Manzanares-Lopez P, Sanchez-Aarnoutse J, Malgosa-Sanahuja J and Garcia-Haro J Analysis and performance evaluation of a multicast file transfer solution for congested asymmetric networks Proceedings of the 5th international IFIP-TC6 conference on Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications Systems, (703-714)
  219. Choi J and Shin J A novel design and analysis of cross-layer error-control for h.264 video over wireless LAN Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, (247-258)
  220. Wang Y (2006). AVS-M, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 21:3, (332-344), Online publication date: 1-May-2006.
  221. Pang L, Jiang G, Zhou Y and Yu M Research and application of stereoscopic video based e-learning system Proceedings of the First international conference on Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, (156-160)
  222. Oh Y, Paik E and Park K Design of a video door phone service providing personal mobility based on home gateway system Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Information Networking: advances in Data Communications and Wireless Networks, (815-822)
  223. Koukoulidis V and Shah M (2006). The IP multimedia domain, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 28:1, (203-220), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2006.
  224. Lu L, Safavi-Naini R, Horton J and Susilo W On securing RTP-Based streaming content with firewalls Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Cryptology and Network Security, (304-319)
  225. Pyun J, Park J, Han S, Kim Y and Park S TCP-friendly congestion control over heterogeneous wired/wireless IP network Proceedings of the 6th Pacific-Rim conference on Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - Volume Part II, (489-500)
  226. Jo J, Kwak J and Byeon O MEET Proceedings of the 6th Pacific-Rim conference on Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - Volume Part II, (441-452)
  227. ACM
    Barakat C, Iannaccone G and Diot C Ranking flows from sampled traffic Proceedings of the 2005 ACM conference on Emerging network experiment and technology, (188-199)
  228. Lustosa L, de A. Rodrigues P, David F and Quinellato D A voice over IP quality monitoring architecture Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services, (168-178)
  229. ACM
    Bernaschi M, Cacace F, Clementelli R and Vollero L Adaptive streaming on heterogeneous networks Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Wireless multimedia networking and performance modeling, (16-23)
  230. Duffield N, Arya V, Bellino R, Friedman T, Horowitz J, Towsley D and Turletti T (2005). Network tomography from aggregate loss reports, Performance Evaluation, 62:1-4, (147-163), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2005.
  231. Fox G, Aktas M, Aydin G, Bulut H, Gadgil H, Oh S, Pallickara S, Pierce M, Sayar A and Zhai G Grids for real time data applications Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, (320-332)
  232. ACM
    Vilei A, Convertino G, Oliva S and Cuppone R A novel unbalanced multiple description scheme for video transmission over WLAN Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international workshop on Wireless mobile applications and services on WLAN hotspots, (39-45)
  233. Saint-Andre P (2005). Streaming XML with Jabber/XMPP, IEEE Internet Computing, 9:5, (82-89), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2005.
  234. Bojkovic Z and Milovanovic D Wireless multimedia coding and transport layers Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, (1-6)
  235. Celentano D, Fresa A, Longo M, Postiglione F and Robustelli A MIPv6 binding authentication for b3g networks Proceedings of the Second international conference on Wireless Systems and Network Architectures in Next Generation Internet, (170-183)
  236. Metz C (2005). Internet Multimedia, IEEE Internet Computing, 9:4, (51-55), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  237. ACM
    Guo L, Chen S, Xiao Z and Zhang X Analysis of multimedia workloads with implications for internet streaming Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, (519-528)
  238. Sun D and Kim S A kernel-level RTP for efficient support of multimedia service on embedded systems Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part III, (79-88)
  239. Bassil C, Serhrouchni A and Rouhana N Critical analysis and new perspective for securing voice networks Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Networking - Volume Part II, (810-818)
  240. Chen S, Shyu M, Gray I and Luo H (2005). An adaptive rate-control streaming mechanism with optimal buffer utilization, Journal of Systems and Software, 75:3, (271-282), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2005.
  241. ACM
    Wilkerson M, Griswold W and Simon B Ubiquitous presenter Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, (116-120)
  242. ACM
    Wilkerson M, Griswold W and Simon B (2005). Ubiquitous presenter, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 37:1, (116-120), Online publication date: 23-Feb-2005.
  243. Laface P, Carra D and Lo Cigno R A performance model for multimedia services provisioning on network interfaces Proceedings of the Third international conference on Quality of Service in Multiservice IP Networks, (286-299)
  244. Kang N and Ruland C MDS Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Information Networking: convergence in broadband and mobile networking, (824-834)
  245. Marinkovic S and Guillemot C (2005). Joint source-channel coding based on cosine-modulated filter banks for erasure-resilient signal transmission, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2005, (510-524), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2005.
  246. ACM
    Kanda T and Shimamura K Application of packet assembly technology to digital video and VoIP Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia, (392-395)
  247. ACM
    Sicker D and Lookabaugh T (2004). VoIP Security: Not an Afterthought, Queue, 2:6, (56-64), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2004.
  248. ACM
    Handley M and Greenhalgh A Steps towards a DoS-resistant internet architecture Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Future directions in network architecture, (49-56)
  249. Kim H and Karp B Autograph Proceedings of the 13th conference on USENIX Security Symposium - Volume 13, (19-19)
  250. ACM
    Banerjee S, Lee S, Braud R, Bhattacharjee B and Srinivasan A Scalable resilient media streaming Proceedings of the 14th international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video, (4-9)
  251. Hashimoto K and Shibata Y Extended Video Stream by Media Transcoding Functions Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops - W7: EC (ICDCSW'04) - Volume 7, (16-21)
  252. Lee C, Chen S and Chang P Active Packetization and Priority Description for Scalable Video over IPv6 Based Wireless Networks Proceedings of the 2004 Symposium on Applications and the Internet-Workshops (SAINT 2004 Workshops)
  253. Pei Y and Modestino J (2004). Interactive video coding and transmission over heterogeneous wired-to-wireless IP networks using an edge proxy, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2004, (253-264), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2004.
  254. Lim T, Lee B and Yeo C (2003). Path and Oracle Discovery Protocol for Centralized Bandwidth Reservation Mechanisms, Journal of Network and Systems Management, 11:4, (447-468), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2003.
  255. Kantarci A and Tunali T (2003). Design and Implementation of a Streaming System for MPEG-1 Videos, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 21:3, (261-280), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2003.
  256. ACM
    Hans M and Smith M Interacting with audio streams for entertainment and communication Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international conference on Multimedia, (539-545)
  257. Hou C, Jia S and Takase K (2003). Real-Time Multimedia Applications in a Web-Based Robotic Telecare System, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 38:2, (135-153), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2003.
  258. O'Donnell A and Sethu H (2003). Congestion control, differentiated services, and efficient capacity management through a novel pricing strategy, Computer Communications, 26:13, (1457-1469), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2003.
  259. ACM
    Masoodian M, Luz S and Weng C A mobile tool for browsing recorded collaborative meeting contents Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction, (87-92)
  260. ACM
    Alouf S, Altman E, Barakat C and Nain P Estimating membership in a multicast session Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems, (250-260)
  261. ACM
    Alouf S, Altman E, Barakat C and Nain P (2003). Estimating membership in a multicast session, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 31:1, (250-260), Online publication date: 10-Jun-2003.
  262. ACM
    Krasic C, Walpole J and Feng W Quality-adaptive media streaming by priority drop Proceedings of the 13th international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video, (112-121)
  263. ACM
    Naef M, Lamboray E, Staadt O and Gross M The blue-c distributed scene graph Proceedings of the workshop on Virtual environments 2003, (125-133)
  264. Aweya J (2003). Trunking of TDM and narrowband services over IP Networks, International Journal of Network Management, 13:1, (33-60), Online publication date: 20-Jan-2003.
  265. Curcio I Mobile video telephony Wireless internet handbook, (469-495)
  266. Das S and Basu K VoIP services in wireless networks Wireless internet handbook, (149-183)
  267. Zheng H and Boyce J Streaming video over wireless networks Wireless internet handbook, (105-125)
  268. Bordetsky A, Brown K and Christianson L (2003). Adaptive Management of QoS Requirements for Wireless Multimedia Communications, Information Technology and Management, 4:1, (9-31), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2003.
  269. Zander S and Carle G High quality IP video streaming with adaptive packet marking Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on quality of future internet services and internet charging and QoS technologies 2nd international conference on From QoS provisioning to QoS charging, (68-77)
  270. Mendes P, Schulzrinne H and Monteiro E A receiver-driven adaptive mechanism based on the popularity of scalable sessions Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on quality of future internet services and internet charging and QoS technologies 2nd international conference on From QoS provisioning to QoS charging, (15-24)
  271. ACM
    Benford S, Fraser M, Reynard G, Koleva B and Drozd A Staging and evaluating public performances as an approach to CVE research Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Collaborative virtual environments, (80-87)
  272. ACM
    Huang L, Horn U, Hartung F and Kampmann M Proxy-based TCP-friendly streaming over mobile networks Proceedings of the 5th ACM international workshop on Wireless mobile multimedia, (17-24)
  273. Al-Shaer E and Tang Y (2002). QoS Path Monitoring for Multicast Networks, Journal of Network and Systems Management, 10:3, (357-381), Online publication date: 22-Aug-2002.
  274. Veríssimo P and Casimiro A (2002). The Timely Computing Base Model and Architecture, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 51:8, (916-930), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2002.
  275. ACM
    Jiang W and Schulzrinne H Comparison and optimization of packet loss repair methods on VoIP perceived quality under bursty loss Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video, (73-81)
  276. ACM
    Koskelainen P, Schulzrinne H and Wu X A SIP-based conference control framework Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video, (53-61)
  277. Jiang W, Lennox J, Narayanan S, Schulzrinne H, Singh K and Wu X (2002). Integrating Internet Telephony Services, IEEE Internet Computing, 6:3, (64-72), Online publication date: 1-May-2002.
  278. Melvin H and Murphy L (2002). Time Synchronization for VoIP Quality of Service, IEEE Internet Computing, 6:3, (57-63), Online publication date: 1-May-2002.
  279. Peng C, Lugmayr A and Vuorimaa P (2002). A Digital Television Navigator, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 17:1, (121-141), Online publication date: 1-May-2002.
  280. Wood S and Chatterjee S (2002). Network Quality of Service for the Enterprise, Information Systems Frontiers, 4:1, (63-84), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2002.
  281. Boutaba R, Ren N, Rasheed Y and Leon-Garcia A (2002). Distributed Video Production, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 16:1-2, (99-136), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
  282. Yamada H and Higuchi N Voice Quality Evaluation of IP-Based Voice Stream Multiplexing Schemes Proceedings of the 26th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
  283. ACM
    Hilt V, Mauve M, Vogel J and Effelsberg W Interactive media on demand Proceedings of the ninth ACM international conference on Multimedia, (593-594)
  284. ACM
    Lennox J, Murakami K, Karaul M and La Porta T (2001). Interworking internet telephony and wireless telecommunications networks, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 31:5, (25-36), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2001.
  285. Lui J (2001). Constructing Communication Subgraphs and Deriving an Optimal Synchronization Interval for Distributed Virtual Environment Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 13:5, (778-792), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2001.
  286. Plank J, Bassi A, Beck M, Moore T, Swany D and Wolski R (2001). Managing Data Storage in the Network, IEEE Internet Computing, 5:5, (50-58), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2001.
  287. ACM
    Xu Y, Heidemann J and Estrin D Geography-informed energy conservation for Ad Hoc routing Proceedings of the 7th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking, (70-84)
  288. Sarris N and Strintzis M (2001). Constructing a Videophone for the Hearing Impaired Using MPEG-4 Tools, IEEE MultiMedia, 8:3, (56-67), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2001.
  289. Metz C (2001). Layer 2 over IP/MPLS, IEEE Internet Computing, 5:4, (77-82), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2001.
  290. Cranor C, Green M, Kalmanek C, Shur D, Sibal S, Van der Merwe J and Sreenan C (2001). Enhanced Streaming Services in a Content Distribution Network, IEEE Internet Computing, 5:4, (66-75), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2001.
  291. Hardjono T, Baugher M and Harney H Group security association (GSA) management in IP multicast Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Information security: Trusted information: the new decade challenge, (213-228)
  292. Roccetti M, Ghini V, Pau G, Salomoni P and Bonfigli M (2001). Design and Experimental Evaluation of an Adaptive Playout Delay Control Mechanism for Packetized Audio for Use over the Internet, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 14:1, (23-53), Online publication date: 1-May-2001.
  293. Mauthe A, Garcia F, Hutchison D and Yeadon N (2001). QoS Filtering and Resource Reservation in an Internet Environment, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 13:3, (285-306), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2001.
  294. ACM
    Jiang W, Lennox J, Schulzrinne H and Singh K Towards junking the PBX Proceedings of the 11th international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video, (177-185)
  295. Parnes P, Synnes K and Schefström D (2000). mSTAR, IEEE Internet Computing, 4:5, (32-39), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2000.
  296. Apvrille L, Dairaine L, Sénac P, Rojas L and Diaz M Implementing a User Level Multimedia Transport Protocol in Java Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2000)
  297. El-Marakby R Design and Performance of a Scalable Real Time Control Protocol Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2000)
  298. Liebeherr J, Brown S and Albertson R (2000). An Interactive Telelecture System with Hybrid ATM/IP Networking, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 11:2, (215-233), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2000.
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    Perkins C and Crowcroft J (2000). Notes on the use of RTP for shared workspace applications, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 30:2, (35-40), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2000.
  300. Zhang R, Regunathan S and Rose K Robust Video Coding for Packet Networks with Feedback Proceedings of the Conference on Data Compression
  301. ACM
    Greenhalgh C, Benford S and Craven M Patterns of network and user activity in an inhabited television event Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology, (34-41)
  302. Chang I, Liou B, Huang J, Yu S and Shiah C (1999). A Multimedia World Wide Web Based Conference Minute System for Group Collaboration, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 9:3, (199-226), Online publication date: 1-Nov-1999.
  303. ACM
    Cain B and Hardjono T Collection servers Proceedings of the seventh ACM international conference on Multimedia (Part 2), (107-109)
  304. ACM
    Wedlund E and Schulzrinne H Mobility support using SIP Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Wireless mobile multimedia, (76-82)
  305. ACM
    Dunn J and Mayer C VARIATIONS Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Digital libraries, (12-19)
  306. Almeroth K and Ammar M (1999). An Alternative Paradigm for Scalable On-Demand Applications, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 11:4, (658-672), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1999.
  307. ACM
    Brassil J, Garg S and Schulzrinne H (1999). Program insertion in real-time IP multicasts, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 29:2, (49-68), Online publication date: 1-Apr-1999.
  308. ACM
    Mauve M Transparent access to and encoding of VRML state information Proceedings of the fourth symposium on Virtual reality modeling language, (29-38)
  309. Fahmi H, Baqai S, Bashandy A and Ghafoor A (1999). Dynamic Resource Allocation for Multimedia Document Retrieval over High Speed LANs, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 8:1, (91-114), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1999.
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    Kermode R (1998). Scoped hybrid automatic repeat reQuest with forward error correction (SHARQFEC), ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 28:4, (278-289), Online publication date: 1-Oct-1998.
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    Kermode R Scoped hybrid automatic repeat reQuest with forward error correction (SHARQFEC) Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM '98 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication, (278-289)
  312. ACM
    Jonas K, Kretschmer M and Mödeker J Get a KISS—communication infrastructure for streaming services in a heterogeneous environment Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Multimedia, (401-410)
  313. ACM
    Boyce J and Gaglianello R Packet loss effects on MPEG video sent over the public Internet Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Multimedia, (181-190)
  314. ACM
    Mayer-Patel K and Rowe L Exploiting temporal parallelism for software-only video effects processing Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Multimedia, (161-169)
  315. ACM
    Swan A, McCanne S and Rowe L Layered transmission and caching for the multicast session directory service Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Multimedia, (119-128)
  316. ACM
    Watson A and Sasse M Measuring perceived quality of speech and video in multimedia conferencing applications Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Multimedia, (55-60)
  317. Sisalem D and Schulzrinne H (1998). The Multimedia Internet Terminal (MInT), Telecommunications Systems, 9:3-4, (423-444), Online publication date: 1-Sep-1998.
  318. ACM
    Bajaj S, Breslau L and Shenker S (1998). Is service priority useful in networks?, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 26:1, (66-77), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1998.
  319. ACM
    Bajaj S, Breslau L and Shenker S Is service priority useful in networks? Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems, (66-77)
  320. ACM
    Kalavade A and Moghé P A tool for performance estimation of networked embedded end-systems Proceedings of the 35th annual Design Automation Conference, (257-262)
  321. Hou C, Han C and Chen Y Communication Middleware and Software for QoS Control in Distributed Real-Time EnvironmentsSpecifically, we consider the following innovative research components Proceedings of the 21st International Computer Software and Applications Conference, (558-564)
  322. Wang S and Bhargava B Multi-pass Transmission Policy Proceedings of the 21st International Computer Software and Applications Conference, (382-387)
  323. Palacharla S, Karmouch A and Mahmoud S Design and Implementation of a Real-time Multimedia Presentation System using RTP Proceedings of the 21st International Computer Software and Applications Conference, (376-381)
  324. Disz T, Olson R and Stevens R Performance model of the Argonne Voyager multimedia server Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors
  325. El-Marakby R and Hutchison D Delivery of Real-time Continuous Media over the Internet Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC '97)
  326. Sudan M and Shacham N Gateway Based Approach for Conducting Multipary Multimedia Sessions over Heterogeneous Signaling Domains Proceedings of the INFOCOM '97. Sixteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Driving the Information Revolution
  327. Sharma P, Estrin D, Floyd S and Jacobson V Scalable Timers for Soft State Protocols Proceedings of the INFOCOM '97. Sixteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Driving the Information Revolution
  328. Heybey A, Sullivan M and England P Calliope Proceedings of the 1996 annual conference on USENIX Annual Technical Conference, (7-7)
  329. ACM
    Curtis P, Dixon M, Frederick R and Nichols D The Jupiter audio/video architecture Proceedings of the third ACM international conference on Multimedia, (79-90)
  330. ACM
    Gong F Multipoint audio and video control for packet-based multimedia conferencing Proceedings of the second ACM international conference on Multimedia, (425-432)
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